Hello I am new :D

asdandme Posts: 72 Member
Hello I am a mom of 5 . The 2 oldest are 14 yr old twins who happen to have autism. They are on different levels developmentally and keep me on my toes. I too neglected myself to care for them but had to start working out to handle them. They are almost 6'2" and the dr. says they will top off at about 6'6":sad: I am 5'10" so fortunately I am not small but it is still a challenge. Anyone out there facing similar challenges??? I love MFP!!!! Feel like a new woman since I started. Never realized how little i ate cause I was so busy taking care of everyone else, Thought I was tired all the time cause ...well I have 5 kids!!! Now that I eating I am losing the weight and have tons of energy which is really helpful trust me lol! Hope you all have awesome days!!!!:bigsmile:


  • fmonty
    Hi!!! Congrats on the weight you have lost. It looks like you are doing all the right things for yourself and your family now.
  • cbendorf13
    cbendorf13 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi there, Mom of 4 kids (11, 9, almost 6, almost 5) eldest 11YO is on the spectrum (Asperger's syndrome) and 3rd child also (Apraxia - considered on spectrum). Spent too many years trying to juggle everything and really ballooned up. I am almost 5'5" and my son is now as tall as me, should max at 6'4"-6'7" according to doctor. I have heard that often kids on the spectrum become more violent as they get older, so far I have not seen that. I am still struggling with my son's reading ability. His vocabulary is great but he just can not read at the same level. We struggle with what will happen when he goes to Jr. High next year. I never took time to eat properly, ate a lot of kids snacks etc. Since joining MFP I have managed to lose 45 lbs. It is a great tool with a great community. You are welcome to add me.