
What are your thoughts on fasting? Has anyone done it? Heard a few people talking about having a big lunch then nothing till the next day to kick your fat into burning?


  • dididede
    dididede Posts: 61 Member
    Wooo did you see the Horizon documentary on fasting recently?

    Dr Michael Mosely fasted (well not really, 600 cal per day) 2 days out of 7 then ate normally the other days. He lost loads and improved his health too... Chek it out on BBC iplayer!

  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    thanks I'm going to watch that now - being bombarded with ads for various gimmicks but never really tried that.
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    ahh it's only got a couple of small clips, can't seem to get the whole program
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    I practice intermittent fasting. I do 24 hours once a week, its working great for me combined with a paleo type diet. The first fast was hard but then it gets easier.

    You should the e book 'eat stop eat' and look at for more info
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week of fasting at 500 cals twice a week. In 10days I've lost 3lbs, I swear the fasting has speeded up my weight loss.500 cal isn't too bad, partly because you know u will be eating normally tomorrow!
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I'm on my 2nd week of fasting at 500 cals twice a week. In 10days I've lost 3lbs, I swear the fasting has speeded up my weight loss.500 cal isn't too bad, partly because you know u will be eating normally tomorrow!

    I have not tried the 5:2 fasting, but I have it as "Plan B" should I get stuck on same weight for a fortnight or more, sort of give my body a kick back into action
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    so first day of 500 or under, it's tough but OK. Had a nice breakfast, my favourite, natural yoghurt, berries and granola, that set me up for the day, then ate a pack of prawns, which I like and is easy to eat on the go. Had a diet coke and a few teas and coffees. so not a complete fast 500 calories is certainly achievable.
  • SuzieGriffo
    SuzieGriffo Posts: 3 Member
    Hello :)
    I've decided to do the 5:2 diet ... today is my first 'fast' day. I had planned it so I'd be at work, busy and distracted, but as luck would have it my son is off school sick, so I'm at home instead. I haven't eaten anything yet but have a graze box 'love mix' lined up for when I can't take the hunger any more. Planning a Hairy Dieters minestrone soup for lunch plus a salmon fillet and salad for dinner. 500 cals doesn't sound tooooo bad ... but we shall see!
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    Good luck Suzie, I did one day and it was OK, planning my next day tomorrow
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I'm doing the 5:2 fasting method - working for me.
    Link is in my profile if anyone interested and my diaries are open.
    I eat back my exercise calories so sticking to net 600 calories is easier.

    There are other forms of fasting, Americans seem to mostly refer to intermittent fasting as setting aside blocks of hours in the day when you can or can't eat.
    Also Alternate Day Fasting.
  • Smurfette1987
    Smurfette1987 Posts: 110 Member
    When you say 5 days eating normally do you still mean eating with your usual diet calorie deficit? or eating maintenence?
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Wooo did you see the Horizon documentary on fasting recently?

    Dr Michael Mosely fasted (well not really, 600 cal per day) 2 days out of 7 then ate normally the other days. He lost loads and improved his health too... Chek it out on BBC iplayer!


    Also pretty impressive all the research and discovery of the health benefits they found too.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Having seen the horizon prog I'm trying 1 day a week nothing but tea and water in the day then scrambled egg, toast and fruit in evening. I find if I start nibbling I can't stop so have to be v controlled! One day is enough for me though :)
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I find if I start nibbling I can't stop so have to be v controlled! One day is enough for me though :)

    I think for many this one day only is a big attraction, and it is not actually going without food, just limited to 500 / 600 cals in 24 hours, and as 8 + of those you are asleep anyway it is do-able, but as you point out one has to be controlled ad walk by the biscuit barrel without a second glance
  • Since May I've lost a steady average of 2 lbs per week, some weeks a little more, some a little less. I had experimented with fasting for health benefits, not weight loss, in the past but last week decided to commit to IF 5:2 fasting with 600cals on the fast days for the next 3 months at least.

    I lost 6.5 lbs last week which was a total surprise. I'm still doing it for the health benefits but this extra weight loss was a brilliant added bonus.
  • sonyayoung18
    sonyayoung18 Posts: 41 Member
    I fancy giving this a go, going to watch this thread for further comments before i take the plunge......

    oooo some of you might find this forum topic of interest - this also includes a link to a write up from the BBC's programme as well

    warning though.....this forum is 15 pages long....!!!! I found it extremely interesting and had to take time (making notes) when reading (I'm fairly new to MFP and calorie counting so needed to figure out my BMR and TDEE before I understood it)
  • heidibannister
    heidibannister Posts: 22 Member
    sonya thanks for that, had a read, interesting. i am struggling of at home, find it easier when out and about and away from the fridge!! generally keeping count of everything ad trying to restrict the calories, the maths seems to make sense to me, you have to eat less and burn more to loose weight. I am not convinced that eating more would burn more unless you are talaking about serious starvation.
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    ahh I tried this on Tuesday. I only drank tea, water, and I had a cup of hot chocolate - a total of 354 calories. I got through the day ok, but yesterday I had an awful headache and felt nauseous and hungry all day, even right after I'd eaten. I'm still not feeling 100% today - I don't think I could do this twice a week and still function normally!

    oh and I weighed myself today, and found that I didn't lose anything. not even 0.1 of a pound for all my trouble :laugh:
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    To be fair, a cup of hot chocolate is hardly nutritious is it? Add you are supposed to eat 500 cals on the "fast day

    A cheeses sandwich or a couple of bananas may have been a better choice
  • polarlove
    polarlove Posts: 72 Member
    To be fair, a cup of hot chocolate is hardly nutritious is it? Add you are supposed to eat 500 cals on the "fast day

    A cheeses sandwich or a couple of bananas may have been a better choice

    very true. it was much easier for me to just not eat at all, otherwise I'd have been tempted to keep on eating :laugh: I'll read up more on it, and try it again the right way.