No heart rate monitor? Anaerobic calorie calculator.

Step 1
Calculate your maximum heart rate using a calculator if needed and the equation below.
Maximum Heart Rate = 220 - Age

Step 2
Calculate your Anaerobic Threshold, or AT, using a calculator, your maximum heart rate and the equation below. Your anaerobic threshold is equal to a percentage of your maximum heart rate.
Anaerobic Threshold = .80 X Maximum Heart Rate

Step 3
Enter your AT into the following equation used to calculate calories burned based on heart rate. Enter your weight in pounds and your age in years.
For men: [(-55.0969 + (.6309 x AT Heart Rate) + (.438 x Weight) + (.2017 x Age)] / 4.184
For women: [(-20.4022 + (.4472 x AT Heart Rate) + (.278 x Weight) + (.074 x Age)] / 4.184

The resulting number is equal to the number of calories you burn during one minute of anaerobic exercise. To get total calories burned, multiply this number by the duration of your anaerobic exercise.

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