Getting to know you !!!!

This is where you can add a little about yourself :happy: ...

Maybe things like:

~Where you from
~what you like to do with your time
~Maybe your age
~What your weight lose goals are
~What your inspirations are


  • I am a 42 year old mum of 3 :).... We live in Taree :) .... I have decided that since my baby is 6 now, I can longer use the whole baby leftovers to explain my size so I decided it's time to do something about it ... Add me as a friend if you wish for some extra support along the way ....
    I am sloppy intellectual with a cheeky wit .... I have also been referred to as a Gypsy and Hippy Chick lol ...

    I am an emotional eater... Sometimes when I am to emotional eat I will reach for a smoke instead which I know is just as bad and with either one I kick myself....
    I did actually try to give smoking away about 3 weeks ago (after 30yrs ) I did cut down big time but got depressed and noticed I was putting on more weight so I am back to the smoking :( ...

    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    To be a role model to help my kids with their weight :).... To get my old body back and to not end up huge :) ... To help my diabeties ......Be a fitter person :) ....

    My Inspirations
    •Be fitter and have more energy to keep up with my kids :)
    •See all my kids grow up (youngest of which is 6) and see my grandkids :D
    •Help my diabeties
  • Ruthann2
    Ruthann2 Posts: 232 Member
    Well my name is Ruthann
    ~Where you from~~ I am from Minnesota
    ~what you like to do with your time~~ I like to read, workout, crochet
    ~Maybe your age ~~ 46 yrs young
    ~What your weight lose goals are ~~to be healthy and strong lean mean fighting machine
    ~What your inspirations are~~?? I really do not know
  • Hi Ruthann :)

    Nice to meet you :D.... I will join on the liking to read and work out (not that I never actually enjoyed working out before but now I do) ... My daughter and I are going walking soon and that should be nice :D.... Once we get in town she will buy me a coffee :bigsmile: .... Cool you are the same age bracket as myself :happy: .... What side of the US is Minnesota??? I have a close friend on the West coast I think (Washington)???? I like your weight lose goals :)
  • my name is crystal.

    ~Where you from~~ Taree NSW Australia.

    ~what you like to do with your time~~ my hobbies are reading, writting stories, singing, facebook, myfitnesspal, tagged, football cards, smiling, walking, hanging with mum, and church (prayer)

    ~Maybe your age ~~ 15 years old :D

    ~what your weight loss goals are ~~ to become fit healthy and liking myself

    ~What your inspirations are~~?? becoming thin, being unashamed of my body, able to walk down the street and feel good about myslef, seeing my mum be proud of me, my future children and granchildren, and live.
  • lol girly those children and grand kids better not for a longgggggggggggggg time yet :heart:
  • Hi I'm Rani
    I'm from Taree NSW Australia
    My hobbies are singing, dancing gardening, anything creative really. I have written songs and hope to record them one day.
    I am 28 yrs old
    I hope to get my size 8 figure back along with my confidence and happiness
    My mum really inspires me to get in shape and as she has always been morbidly obese and has loads of health issues because of it.... I'm scared of ending up like her and swear to never let myself get to that point.
  • Hey Rani :)

    I would say nice to meet you, but I wont seeing as I know you and sometimes even walk with you lol .... Seeing as you like Dancing I have some Wii Just Dance games you are quite welcome to come over and do some work outs with me on it if you wish ???? I didn't know you like to sing I will have listen one day :) ....

    I done my Wii fitness age and was chuffed with getting a 35 :) Beats the real age of 42 lmao ....

    Good luck with getting to size 8 :)... I would like to get to size 8 but would settle for 10 :D....

    I hear on your mum being inspiration my mum is for too due the size of her .... Although for her age she is pretty healthy :) Luckily :) ...
  • crissy97
    crissy97 Posts: 277
    wouldnt think of it mummy im not ready for kids :heart: