emergency mental health, new to the group

Hi all,

I work as a mental health crisis responder, primarily for the kids' crisis team in my county, but occasionally for all ages in the county north of here.

I had an ABSOLUTE BLAST at my wilderness first responder training this summer (had been on my life to do list since 2004). It got me thinking (again) about nurse practitioner school. I've decided to start slow on the prerequisites, taking a college math class on line to brush up before I go take the math placement test to make sure I can get in to the science classes, and taking a nutrition class by correspondence from the local community college.

Some times my days are INCREDIBLY hectic with LONG outreaches in the community (ie at people's homes) where its hard to get away to go eat when its time.

I do pretty well keeping healthy snacks in the car, but I definitely feel it when I have a hectic day at work and am too emotionally exhausted to exercise when I get home, even though it helps me "turn off" my work brain and transition back to my "home brain".

I'm afraid I may have to become a "morning exerciser" to make sure I have a consistent routine that doesn't get derailed by crisis du jour. I find it really difficult to get motivated in the morning, especially living in the pacific NW where its not all that bright and sunny except for the 9 weeks of summer when everyone gets a little manic. :)

So what do you think? Does a routine help you make sure you get the self care in? Have you managed to turn yourself into a morning person?


  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 235 Member
    Promised my self to be a bit of a more frequent poster here. Usually pretty quiet.


    I have had success with morning exercise for precisely the reason you mentioned. The chances my hair will be on fire increases proportionately as the day progresses.

    Soooo...I get up early (ergo go to bed early arrrgh) and get my recumbent bike (30/60 minutes) and cardio/situps done. While drinking coffee and watching TV.

    How do you/I do it? Just got to want to enough. I do feel better on the days I exercise (7) and miss it when I don't. Not obsessive, just committed. 40#'s down now. Good luck.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    "The chances my hair will be on fire increases proportionately as the day progresses. "

    AHAHAHA! YES! This!!! :)

    I'm currently shooting for 300 minutes of physical activity per week. I missed three days last week and had a couple of days where I did "double" walks to make up for it. But definitely made it more sucky on the days I didn't exercise because I couldn't eat as much.

    Congrats on your progress!

    I'm looking forward to joining you.
  • Welcome! I am new to the group also. Work with victims of dv/sa. As of today, I am not a morning exerciser. I do circuit training 3x week after work usually. I look forward to the time to destress before my home time. If I am unable to make it after work, I will get up and go in the morning, but I like the evenings better. Also, seems like I am able to do more in the evenings, like my muscles are limbered up or something. Not sure why. On the weekends, I usually do yard work, go for walks, stuff like that. Definitely need to make time for self-care in the helping professions. A necessity, not a luxury for me. I can tell when I am lacking.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I feel you, Diane.

    I used to work directly with DV/SA victims and manage a shelter. Absolutely CANNOT neglect the ACTIVE self care in that field of work. I understand SO much what you are saying about using exercise after work help transition to home. Also a necessity over here! I can't help anyone if I'm not taking care of myself regularly and proactively.

    I'm having a hard time with it in my present job because we work around the families' schedules. Though I'm trying really hard to limit myself to two evenings per week (as this is the expectation supervisors have of us for availability).

    One of the nice things about my current job is that it IS flexible around the needs of the families, so if I find a class I want to take, I just work my schedule around it. Another nice thing is that it includes a YMCA membership. I LOVE being in the pool for DIY water aerobics or swimming.
  • Thanks. I am so glad to hear you are able to fit in time for yourself. Two nights a week expected, but sounds like you work more than that for the families? Balancing act! Enjoy the YMCA, great facility!
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I'm getting in the habit of blocking the time off in my calendar unless I ABSOLUTELY cannot find another time to meet. I'm also learning to negotiate to meet parents on their lunch breaks, etc.

    Sometimes family meetings have to be in the evening, but unless things are really nutty, it should be reasonable. But the bonus is that on those days when I work late, I can have some quiet time in the pool in the mid-morning. ;)
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member

    I was looking forward to cooking a nice healthy salmon dinner with my sweetie tonight.

    But alas, duty calls!

    Backup plan of yogurt and something as yet to be determined.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Ended up getting a kid's happy meal chicken nuggets with chocolate milk.

    Not my best choice.

    But still, amazingly enough, ended up under my calorie and fat goals for the day.

    Let's not talk about transfats for the moment, shall we?