Thinking about trying?

So I'm 22 years old, 5'9" and 182lbs. :/ So clearly, no, I am not in the best of shape. But here's my dilemma:

I'm getting married in May, and with alterations and whatnot, figure, buy the end of the year essentially, I need to lose as many inches in that time. I am not exactly unhappy with my weight, I am unhappy with the size that I am. I wanna be able to go on my honeymoon and make other girls jealous, and I'm sure any female reading this right now would completely agree with me. Not to mention, I am a smoker, so too much strenuous workout can be a killer for me without decent length breaks.

On my blog, I have included pictures of how I look now, before I start anything:


  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    Insanity will be hard! I won't lie but you will melt :)
    Do it well, proper form, as hard as you can (not as long as they do, don't worry it's almost impossible lol).... but push yourself to the limit and you will achieve your goal...

    Take care
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Insanity will probably be very difficult for you in the beginning because it sounds like you are not in good shape at the moment, but I can promise you that if you can suffer through all the workouts IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough! But you have to have enough will-power to actually make it through them and KEEP WITH IT EVERY DAY. Since it's a DVD set, YOU are the only one that will be accountable for your dedication. Insanity is the absolute best workout I've ever experienced and I don't regret any of the sweaty workouts where I ended laying on the floor unable to move. Good luck if you decide to go through with it :)
  • danceVICKIdance
    danceVICKIdance Posts: 34 Member
    Insanity will probably be very difficult for you in the beginning because it sounds like you are not in good shape at the moment, but I can promise you that if you can suffer through all the workouts IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough! But you have to have enough will-power to actually make it through them and KEEP WITH IT EVERY DAY. Since it's a DVD set, YOU are the only one that will be accountable for your dedication. Insanity is the absolute best workout I've ever experienced and I don't regret any of the sweaty workouts where I ended laying on the floor unable to move. Good luck if you decide to go through with it :)

    On the contrary, I am not in bad shape. I weigh a lot due to bone and muscle density. My legs have always been rock solid muscle and still are. It's literally just my stomach.

    I've included a link to my MFP blog which I plan on visually tracking my progress. You can see what I looked like before any workouts, and every week I will be uploading new pictures. :)
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Here's the thing: Insanity is hard for EVERYONE. I know special forces operators who hate the workout with a passion. It's the kind of workout that kills you, no matter how in shape you are because even if you're super fit, you can just push that much harder.

    So yeah, it will be hard. And frankly, I think you kind of have to embrace the suck. It will suck and you will hate it while it's sucking, but there's also a point where you realize it sucks, but it's not impossible, and you'll enjoy doing what you can. And every day that will be a little bit more.

    Here's the other thing: it works. My body is changing radically and I am not even halfway through it. So if you are willing to do it every day and you're committed, go for it. You also have to know that the first week is hell as your body adjusts; my calves were killing me; for six full days I was walking around like a cowboy with stiff bowlegs. A lot of people say they tried it for a week and then gave up. Don't do that. That's right when it starts getting better.

    If you decide to do it: good luck! See if you can find a workout partner who will be committed, too. I started out with my sister and I know it would have been easy to quit if I were alone.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    Insanity will probably be very difficult for you in the beginning because it sounds like you are not in good shape at the moment, but I can promise you that if you can suffer through all the workouts IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stress that enough! But you have to have enough will-power to actually make it through them and KEEP WITH IT EVERY DAY. Since it's a DVD set, YOU are the only one that will be accountable for your dedication. Insanity is the absolute best workout I've ever experienced and I don't regret any of the sweaty workouts where I ended laying on the floor unable to move. Good luck if you decide to go through with it :)

    On the contrary, I am not in bad shape. I weigh a lot due to bone and muscle density. My legs have always been rock solid muscle and still are. It's literally just my stomach.

    I've included a link to my MFP blog which I plan on visually tracking my progress. You can see what I looked like before any workouts, and every week I will be uploading new pictures. :)

    The only reason I phrased it that way was because in your first post, you listed your weight and height and said, "Clearly I am not in the best of shape." Didn't mean any harm by it!
  • danceVICKIdance
    danceVICKIdance Posts: 34 Member
    I'm not in the best, nor in poor shape. I have size 36DDD bras. That's a lot of weight in itself honestly.