I'm new to this :) Thought I would say hello

Hi there

I am 25 with 3 young children. I ready to get back fit and want to loose 5-10kgs.

I have lost 9 kgs since Jan (since have my baby) I was 80kgs.

I am currently 71kg and hoping to get to around 65kg or less (by christmas)

I have been eating better and love this website and keep up to date with the food and calories.

Would love to find a group that do a weigh in all together once a week or a few freinds on here to keep up the motivaton.

:) Thanks for listening


  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome!! It is a great website. 65 kilos by around CHristmas is also my goal, with ten to get there. I have lost nearly 30 though so started much bigger than you. Feel free to add me if you wish.

    Good luck with it :smile:
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Hi, I joined this site a week ago and it's great, really keeping me motivated. Good to find a place where people talk in kg's though and will be great to be able to suggest different foods that are available here. I have 40kg's to lose and have set myself a goal to lose 9 by Christmas.
  • emmyash
    emmyash Posts: 115 Member
    Hi there..Nicole from Ballarat...ive been on MFP a while.....only lost a little but my body has changed...ive gained lots of supportive friends...wish you luck and anyone feel free to add me:smile: