
So I'll start this off I'm a 28yr old full time mum to three boys. They are aged 3 and twins aged 2, my last pregnancies were obviously very close to one another, neither was an easy ride to say the least. My partner and I would like to try for number 4, but before we do I want to be in the best shape and health to carry another pregnancy. I also want to stay as fit as possible for my current three lovelies, so I'm not out of action too much.

My main goals are to lose 20lbs Iand bring down my BMI, have set myself a 4-5 month timescale for this, but we'll see! I want to incorporate running into my daily lifestyle, and I'll be starting the C25k program today. I also want to improve my strength and stamina, at some point I will use Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but i'm going to start with the running! I want to improve th nutrients in my diet too.

Would be great to have more people adopt this approach to getting pregnant, I was not ready for my last two pregnancies, and it has taken 2 years to recover from some of the effects, some are irreversible, unless I undergo surgery (diastis rectii), so this time I want to make a good effort to be prepared, for all the best and worst of pregnancy and birth!