What Do I Do About the Birthday?

kls13la Posts: 377 Member
I've recently started seeing a new guy. We've been on two dates, with a third coming this weekend. It's going well and I really like him. His birthday is next week. I hate it when traditional gift giving stuff comes so early on in a relationship! I know I need to acknowledge it, but how?

Can you help me think of an appropriate, unique, thing to do or get him that isn't going overboard for where we are? Guys, what would you expect at this point? (I personally would expect nothing, but I hate birthdays.)

(The thought of handing him a card thrills me not in the least...)


  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    So early in the relationship I think just sayIng happy birthday is enough.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    So early in the relationship I think just sayIng happy birthday is enough.

    This...if in person maybe with a hug and little kiss. :smile:
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    I wouldn't expect much. Birthdays in the early stages before you are truly established are difficult. I don't like that scenario.

    A very nice kiss is a good thing, :tongue: And telling him how much you're enjoying spending time with him is good as well.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    So early in the relationship I think just sayIng happy birthday is enough.

    This...if in person maybe with a hug and little kiss. :smile:

  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I would invite him out to dinner...your treat. Let him pick the date (give him a couple of options) and time and place!
  • stardustfan
    stardustfan Posts: 34 Member
    Aye, birthdays early on in a relationship are soooo tricky! I definitely agree with the birthday hug/kiss idea (and I've used it before, for a guy I'd only been on 2 days with prior to his bday).

    If you want to get an actual something, I've given a birthday cupcake (with a candle) to a guy I'd been dating for a few weeks. The guy in question had a sweet tooth and appreciated the gesture.

    Another time I insisted on paying for our dinner + activity... It would have been awkward to have him pay, the day before his birthday!

    And in another case, though we'd been dating a few weeks prior to his birthday, I gave a guy a book we'd talked about and which I thought he'd enjoy. Turns out he loved it, read it from cover to cover, and we're still dating. ;)

    Wow, I seem to have a history of starting to date guys shortly before their birthdays. What awful timing I have!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I personally would go with inviting him out to dinner to celebrate or cooking him something special (if you feel ready to invite him over), and I'd pick out a light-hearted humorous birthday card to give him.

    I like the cupcake idea above too.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    And in another case, though we'd been dating a few weeks prior to his birthday, I gave a guy a book we'd talked about and which I thought he'd enjoy.

    I was gonna say "steak and BJ" but the suggestion above stole my heart a bit. I love that idea so much I want to use it.
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    And in another case, though we'd been dating a few weeks prior to his birthday, I gave a guy a book we'd talked about and which I thought he'd enjoy.

    I was gonna say "steak and BJ" but the suggestion above stole my heart a bit. I love that idea so much I want to use it.

    Materialistic things aren't important (save that for Valentine's Day) your suggestion is much better :drinker:
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    If you really like the guy why not just incorporate it into a date and take him out to a restaurant or even better to see his fave sports team in a game, neither have to have much financial outlay and I'm sure he'd love it.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    A funny card and a six pack of his favorite beer.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Dinner or drinks on you. I wouldn't buy him a card or a gift.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    A funny card and a six pack of his favorite beer.

    ^^^ This is good...combine that with the steak and a bj from an above poster and it will be world class!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    A funny card and a six pack of his favorite beer.

    ^^^ This is good...combine that with the steak and a bj from an above poster and it will be world class!!

    All at the same time?? Men are so simple.

    I can't imagine a card, some oral and a bottle of wine for my b-day.. Hmmm or can I?
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    You most certainly can imagine that!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    You most certainly can imagine that!

    Forget diamonds!!! Haha
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Cook or take him out to dinner as a few others have mentioned. Or perhaps drop off a cupcake to his house or work if you can't get together for a full date that week? Just something small to let him know you remembered. I wouldn't go with a card because you don't want him to over analyze some Hallmark writers words.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    ANything works really. Depending on what he likes . Personally if it were me I'd get him a t-shirt from his favorite band or something like that. Silly simple yet personal
  • kls13la
    kls13la Posts: 377 Member
    Thank you some much for the input! I really appreciate it. I like the six pack idea a lot, as well as the cupcake idea. (Who doesn't love a great cupcake?) You've all given me some food for thought...
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    And in another case, though we'd been dating a few weeks prior to his birthday, I gave a guy a book we'd talked about and which I thought he'd enjoy.

    I was gonna say "steak and BJ" but the suggestion above stole my heart a bit. I love that idea so much I want to use it.

    Um, my birthday is in October. Just sayin'...
