October Starting Weight - Let the Games Begin



  • daloverlyme
    daloverlyme Posts: 583 Member
    October 1st, 2012: 215

    week 1: 210

    Loss of 5 pounds this week!

    October 31st Goal weight: 209

    Ideal weight: 155

    This was a very untypical weight loss for me. I'm sure it will take the rest of the month to lose another pound. I tend to lose a lot in a week and then nothing for long periods of time.
  • sniegparslina
    sniegparslina Posts: 40 Member
    So well, today is monday, my weighing day!
    SW- 69.6 kg
    GW - 66.6

    CW - 67.5
    Too optimistic and good to be true, so probably that's just the water weight, but still...well :))
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    MFP start wt was 200
    MFP goal wt is 150

    SW for October -- 170.0
    GW for October -- 164.0

    Current wt -- 167.0 lbs

    3 lb loss this week!

    way to go!!!!!
  • BeeRobin
    BeeRobin Posts: 160 Member
    Lost 2 this week!
  • madrell1
    madrell1 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight 179 on 1/1/12
    current weight 178 on 1/8 12
    goal weight 145

    Hard week but still lost- had events involving eating 4 of the seven days but managed to still stay on track.True test will be this week-we travel back to Florida drivng so all meals out!
  • Dianecg
    Dianecg Posts: 44 Member
    Here's my update:

    SW for October: 159
    GW for October:153

    CW for October: 157

    4 more to go!
  • madrell1
    madrell1 Posts: 12 Member
    Heres my update
    SW Oct 179
    GW !50
    CW 179
    Lost 1 pound first week. This week spent a week getting to Florida and am now weighing on my scale here. Don't know how it compares to my scale in Maine but I at least didn't gain alot of weight during the ride down. Ate sensibly and was more aware of what I was eating. Before this I would have had a big Mac meal for lunch, now we had salads for lunch. Can't believe when I saw the Big Mac meal calories (which they post on order board) which said it was 900-1170 calories depending on the size!!
  • madrell1
    madrell1 Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight 179
    goal weight 150
    Current weight 177.5
    Back on track and doing well!!
  • Alisha_Joy
    Alisha_Joy Posts: 24 Member
    I am ridiculously late joining this challenge but maybe that will give me an extra boost of motivation to try my best and catch up.

    Starting Weight: 160lbs
    Current Weight: 160lbs
    Goal Weight (For Oct): 154lbs
    Goal Weight (Overall): 120lbs

    Time to get focused!
  • madrell1
    madrell1 Posts: 12 Member
    starting weight 179
    goal weight 150
    current weight 177
    lost 2 lbs
    Am ok with this as I am getting acclimated to the increased scial life in Florida. Will try to do better next month.