This is the story of Amelia Pond. And this, is how it ends.



  • NuttyCake
    NuttyCake Posts: 34 Member
    Still sad :(

    Normally I'll re-watch Doctor Who a few days later after it aired...not this time. I can't bring myself to because I know I'll simply start crying again. :cry:
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    Still suffering from Post-Pond Depression

    I can't believe the Doctor's alone
    He should never be alone

    62 days left ok

    Also yeah **** tonne of plot holes
    But the biggest hole of all is the ONE IN MY HEART

    Or the fact that Pond's whole game was she was The Girl Who Waited and if the Doctor actually went back that night and told her the story of Amelia Pond then 12 years and 4 psychiatrists were totally redundant?!

    Agree with all you tinkers on how adorable 11 & River were
    So touching
    'Sorry honey traffic was heeeeell'
    Haha XD
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    Also AngryDiet you're being very risky! THE IMAGE OF AN ANGEL BECOMES AN ANGEL AAAAGH
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    Also AngryDiet you're being very risky! THE IMAGE OF AN ANGEL BECOMES AN ANGEL AAAAGH

    Haha, nice one.

    And even if the Doctor did go back and tell her the story, she still had to wait, and the psychiatrists would still tell her it wasn't real. My question is, he went back TWICE then, did he not? Since he already went back at the end of the Pandorica episodes and put her to bed and told her the TARDIS story?

    Also, after much thought, I realized it doesn't matter whether the Doctor can actually get to them. The fact is, he couldn't prevent Rory from dying there without another paradox, and destroying New York. However, he could totally still go visit them 5 years later. But anyway. Still terribly sad. And those never-filmed scenes with Rory's dad... :'(