More Veggies

I am looking for ideas to incorporate more veggies in my diet. I always eat breakfast in the DFAC and have fruit, but veggies aren't really an option. I almost always have lunch at the DFAC and it is pretty typical, an entree with two veggie sides. Then for dinner, I almost never go to the DFAC because there isn't really time to do that and work out, so I usually make tuna fish salad or yogurt with granola for dinner. So you can see I am not really getting enough servings of vegetables and consequently not enough fiber in my diet. I wish the DFAC had carrot and celery sticks that I could sneak out for a mid day snack but most raw veggies are shredded or finely chopped. I am only in Afghanistan a couple more months, but any ideas for increasing my veggie intake would be appreciated.