Sunday Week 6

Today is reflection day! How did everyone do this week?

I'd say my week went pretty well. Once again, I did not meet my 10 mile goal. However, I did lose 3 lbs this week so I can't really complain. I made it to around 5.5 miles this week....getting closer but still not there. I will have to try much harder this week! :)


  • cmccoy0901
    cmccoy0901 Posts: 156 Member
    My week went pretty good until Thursday when I had some issues happen with a close friend of mine so I wasn't able to get a good workout that night and then kinda let couple of bad eating habits happen over weekend. Since tomorrow is the start of a new month I will definitely make October's choices better than I did in September. I'm going to be doing Julian Michael's 30 day shred tomorrow and plan to have it completed by Halloween.
  • alhunt8587
    I'm going to be doing Julian Michael's 30 day shred tomorrow and plan to have it completed by Halloween.

    The 30 day shred is hard as hell and you will be so sore, but it's well worth the pain! Whatever you do, follow it through...don't give up!!! :) Good luck to ya!
  • mlashay
    mlashay Posts: 166 Member
    I have been wanting to start the 30day shred but am nervous and have just not gotten around to it, maybe I will start with you!

    My week was terrible to be completely honest. I didn't log well. Either I didn't eat enough or I was eating terrible things when I did eat. Other than moving and walking around campus I have had no exercise. I've come to the point where I believe I am a stress eater as well. I'm working on fighting this now, and learning to manage my stress so I can get back on track. The last thing I want to do is to destroy how far I have come so far.

    Coming back to this group of great people reminds me that I CAN do this. I just have to work for it.

    Thanks all!