Ugh! Don't Eat That!

tpow1196 Posts: 51 Member
How to you keep yourself from munching on your kids munchies?!?!?

It would have been so much easier to snack on the kids french fries (baked) and chicken nuggets (baked) than to make my own seperate dinner of a low cal low fat pasta salad. . .

I did resist, but I wonder if other struggle with the munchies? If so, how do you keep away?



  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    I nibbled, tasted, and helped finish my way to an extra 60 pounds! :( Sometimes I make my dinner first if I am not going to eat what everyone else is having. That way, when I am fixing their plates, I am already full and not tempted. Tonight, in the monsoon, I wimped out and ordered the kids pizza and just made myself a turkey burger while I was waiting for it. Good luck!