Fitbit steps not counted on MFP?

kissmevodka Posts: 29 Member
I'm lame but I get a kick out of seeing how many steps I do in a day. I love seeing that number climb.
I've only learnt in the last few days that I can sync my Fitbit activities into MFP, hence my renewed passion for the site. I must confess I did find the Fitbit site boring and lonely. So much more activity here (which may not be a good thing for butt-spread) ;)

So, my question! :)
I can't see in my Exercise records or profile the number of steps I do each day on my Fitbit. I see a calorie deficit but not how many steps I do. Am I looking in the wrong place? Does it not record that part?
I guess I keep open to record that for my ego boost?

TIA for any advice.



  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    It does, but no where near as well as fitbit.

    You can go to Check-In, Edit Previous Entries or Reports > Progress > Fitbit Steps
  • kissmevodka
    kissmevodka Posts: 29 Member
    Cheers! Thank you! :)