Hot By Halloween!!!Week 3!!! Read Read Read!

xYumzx Posts: 953 Member

Ok now that I have gotten that Out of my System, how is everyone doing so far?! Last week I tried something I haven't done in a while because honestly I was in a give up kinda mood being stuck in my rut. What did I do you ask? Well I decided I needed to start logging my food again, and because of that I dropped almost 2lbs!! Crazy I know just logging your food makes you loss weight lol. But it does, I think its because I was more conscious of what I was putting in my body instead of thinking I was doing ok... which I was because I wasn't gaining any weight, but I think this counting will work till I get to my Goal Weight!...( also last week I didn't work out at all maybe a walk here and there so if you can get your eating in control working out will be an added bonus)

Now some fun news I bought a new workout program from "The Firm" has anyone used their workouts before? Its called the Wave and im very excited to get it, its almost like getting a new toy when you were a kid! lol. I should be getting it in a few days so I should be doing really good with working out now.

As for my Halloween ideas I have gone back and forth back and forth.. but for some odd reason.. Im thinking Bunker pants w. suspenders and a cute white tank underneath and a cute firemen hat.. and go as a firemen lol or fire women lol. Whats your thoughts?

Now Everyone Lets here how you are doing.. because there 41 of us in this group and I think only half of you are checking in :)

:heart: Colleen


  • MD1978
    MD1978 Posts: 477 Member
    Checking in : Switched exercise programs from C25K back to 30DS. Love the workout hate Jillians voice first thing in the I turned her down and turned the radio on....perfect :) I changed because it is soooo dark at 5am now that I get spooked. I don't live in the best of neighborhoods and we live in a rural area with coyotes running amok. Last time I was out there was a guy standing by the side of the road in a hoodie with his head down and not moving....completely freaked me out, serial killer movies scenes were running through my head. (Turned out it was just a bush:laugh: ) . But indoor exercise it is until spring!

    Food logging is going well :)
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    LOL I would have thought the same thing!
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    Everything is going well here! Haven't recorded any weight loss since the first week but also haven't been weighing myself anyway because I don't really care but I'm getting so toned so that's all that matters! I've been working out a lot more than usual too and I'm verrrrryyyyyyyyyy excited for Halloween! :)
  • hollyrunner
    hollyrunner Posts: 31 Member
    I'm doing really well with my food; hubby has asked if I would like icecream every single night and I thank you!! I had to skip a few of my brutal workouts due to being totally exhausted from my weekend travel. I actually got several phone calls from my gym friends.."where are you!!" It's good to be missed!!

    I had set a goal to lose 10 pounds by Halloween for the challenge...pretty sure I was a little over enthusiastic with my goal but I'm going for it anyway!!

    Hugs to all the challengers!! :bigsmile:
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    This week is going well. I weigh in on Sunday. But I have stayed under calories and have worked out everyday so far. I am not even sore anymore... whoo hooo, I worked through it and it worked. I am doing Turbo Jam, Tiffany Rothe workouts and 3 days out of the week I do 30 Day Shred! Usually about 40 mins a night. I am doing the 30 day shred for some strength training. Sooo hopefully Sunday I will be a happy girl!!! Not sure what to be for Halloween yet... don't want to spend tooo much money!!!
  • I've been sticking to workout everyday for the most part, skip a day here and there, I haven't lost anything, but i'm not discouraged. i actually smiled today when i saw myself in the mirror, so that's a plus! was thinking maybe a cute witch would be cool, but i'm gonna wait and see what my daughter decides. i just had an amazing thought: she would be too cute if she went as Dorothy, my sis had a dog that looks just like Toto.
  • I need to start logging my food again! I'm losing but slowly! Busy week due to moving....I HATE PACKING!!! :devil:
  • jjoey8
    jjoey8 Posts: 8
    Checking in. Food is going ok, but I am not getting my workouts in! It is brutal! I am feeling soft and weak! I am hoping to get back on it this weekend and hopefully continue for the next few weeks! I LOVE Halloween and unfortunately the candy that goes with it! I haven't weighed in lately because I am not confident I will like the results! Tomorrow is another day! Enjoy the weekend everyone! :happy:
  • TELR85
    TELR85 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm doing pretty well. I'm working out most days and I am keeping up with my logging. That doens't meant what I am logging is the healthiest options but at least I'm tracking and I am aware of exactly what I'm consuming. I'm feeling really positive I'm 5 lbs away from my goal weight by Halloween!!!
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    Checking in

    Doing good with eating, still trying to up the activity!