How much weight has SO gained?

EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
We have all talked about how much weight we have gained, I want to know if your partner has had the same experience. Last he checked my hubs has gained 10lbs.


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    So far I don't think he has gained anything, but I'm not quite 7 weeks yet!

    Last time he gained a bunch with me... I gained about 65 lbs, and he probably gained 30. I was just constantly eating crap, and constantly eating at that, and he joined with me from time to time. I have a picture of him with our son on his chest from when he was about a month old, and I happened to look at it yesterday. I couldn't believe how heavy my husband looked in that picture!

    Since I started MFP last year and haven't had much junk in the house, he dropped his excess weight pretty quickly. He's never had much of a problem keeping his weight under control, so whatever he gains, he will almost certainly lose.
  • wicklc
    wicklc Posts: 70 Member
    My hubby has actually lost weight- yet he usually is the one who is craving the junk, I guess he is just one of those guys who can eat whatever and not gain anything [note slight jealousy :) ]
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    i dont think mine has gained with this pregnancy but with the other 2 he did put on some weight. prob 10- 15 lbs or less. but his mood swings are right up there with mine this pregnancy :0! we r under more stress this time and he is mean as a snake sometimes!!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    cwick, that's hillarious! My hubs has been the one with the cravings too. Mostly he wants to eat fried chicken.

    Amanda, mine has had the mood swings too, we have been pretty nice to eachother but both of us are always concerened that the other is pissed off at us or unhappy when we have no reason to feel that way.
  • keyalus
    keyalus Posts: 40 Member
    Mine gained 10-15 lbs last time too! I ate so much junk so I had a lot of it sitting around the house (mmm cake!). He worked from home then so being home and sedentary all day around junk food = not good.

    This time is different. I'm not bringing home as much junk and he works a very physical job. He'll probably be fine this time.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    I don't think mine gained any, but I will say I'm sure he delighted in first trimester when all I could stomach was pretty much junk. I normally cook things loaded with veggies, and he was just like a kid in a candy store every night I said, "You know I really don't feel like cooking. Let's eat McDonalds." I think, for a brief period for him, it was like being married to another woman.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Mine has gained about 5 to 10 pounds, but I think it's from quitting smoking 5 months ago. He actually looks better though because he neede to put on some weight, but now he wants to working out, which is great!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I don't think mine gained any, but I will say I'm sure he delighted in first trimester when all I could stomach was pretty much junk. I normally cook things loaded with veggies, and he was just like a kid in a candy store every night I said, "You know I really don't feel like cooking. Let's eat McDonalds." I think, for a brief period for him, it was like being married to another woman.

    This sounds like me right now. I got Taco Bell for lunch yesterday. Seriously, the only foods that sound good to me right now are very carb-y (a bagel and cream cheese sounds DELICIOUS) or junk. Not candy necessarily, but heavy food like awesome, cheesy Italian, yummy Mexican, Chinese food, or fast food. Not all mixed up in a big bucket, though.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    My hubby's gained but it's a medical related issue for him that just so happened to pop up around the same time we found out I was pregnant. He's also the type that can eat pretty much anything he wants and doesn't gain a thing, but he's been told no cardio or workouts that increase his rate because his workouts were causing his heart to work too hard causing him to start having chest pains. So now that he can't work out until they get it figured out with the right medications/dosage, he's gained a little bit, but it's still less than 5 lbs. :grumble:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    My DH has lost about 10lbs and has been on a bit of a low sodium and health kick lately. It helps to keep me in check, because I feel like a pig if I decide to have an unhealthy snack while he sits next to me eating fruit!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Mine has gained nothing! Which isn't fair because he literally ate 4 dozen lactation cookies I had in the freezer to indulge in post-birth.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    Ahahha. He gained 10lbs! He's been celebrating impending fatherhood.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Mine has gained nothing! Which isn't fair because he literally ate 4 dozen lactation cookies I had in the freezer to indulge in post-birth.

    I'd be so mad! Those are for you!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Mine has gained nothing! Which isn't fair because he literally ate 4 dozen lactation cookies I had in the freezer to indulge in post-birth.

    I'd be so mad! Those are for you!

    I made more, and told him if he eats them, he can take the nighttime feeding shift with his new man boobies :smile:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Mine has gained nothing! Which isn't fair because he literally ate 4 dozen lactation cookies I had in the freezer to indulge in post-birth.

    I'd be so mad! Those are for you!

    I made more, and told him if he eats them, he can take the nighttime feeding shift with his new man boobies :smile:

    Just stick him on a pump for a while and see how he likes it. I assure you, he'll never eat them again :tongue:
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    My husband doesnt look like he's gained any weight maybe 3- 5lbs but i can't be sure. he won't admit how much he weighs these last few months. which is a first because he would always tell me. it was never a secret. for the past 4 years i was the one who never admited my actual weigth to him until i started mFP last year and i think i weighed more then him. and I loved sharing with him every time i lost a lost pound. total of 30 before i got pregnat w #3.
    with the 1st pregnancy he gained probably 20-25lbs.but got crazy stressed out after the baby was born and lost it all in a month. because we decided to move 17hrs away from our family when baby was a 1.5month. and i got stuck with my extra weight for a good 1.5year.
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Mine has gained nothing! Which isn't fair because he literally ate 4 dozen lactation cookies I had in the freezer to indulge in post-birth.

    what are lactation cookies????
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Mine has lost weight! He has been on a health kick with protein shakes for breakfast and soup for lunch. He is looking good!
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Mine has gained nothing! Which isn't fair because he literally ate 4 dozen lactation cookies I had in the freezer to indulge in post-birth.

    what are lactation cookies????

    Cookies that have ingredients (oatmeal, brewers yeast...) that are supposed to help increase breastmilk supply.

    I made these, don't know if they work or not, but it will be a delicious experiment:
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    My husband hasn't gained any weight. He is definitly the one with more symptoms/cravings than me! I am trying to eat healthy and he has to bring up McDonalds breakfast and wings and fries for dinner! ugh =) And when I say my back is bothering me, he has to find some part on his body that hurts too. Hilarious!