Rapid Weight Gain? Help?

Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
So...I know from looking over the "How much have you gained thread?" that our bodies are all totally different--some will gain more or less at different times in their pregnancy. Still...for the most part I've been having a slow steady gain. That is until my third trimester started a few weeks ago. Between week 26 and week 29, I have gained 9 pounds. WTF? That number seems crazy. I was just at the doctor's on Tuesday, so no pre-eclampsia, no GD (no medical reason that I can think of for such rapid weight gain). And I went back and looked over my calories. Even though I've noticed an increase in appetite and I'm eating over my goal, I was fiddling with settings, and figured I should have AT MOST gained a pound a week. (I'm 5'9" and eating an average of about 2500 calories a day these past few weeks.)

Is anyone else experiencing this? Did anything you did help? Any particular healthful meals, etc? Would really appreciate any advice you've got. Thanks!!


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    All I can tell you is pregnancy weight gain makes no sense, and I finally learned to stop trying to look at it logically, because it doesn't work. Like you said everyone gains at different rates. I've had weeks where I gained 3-4lbs, but lately (currently 34 weeks) it has slowed to around1-2 per week and I haven't changed anything....just accept it and if you doctor isn't worried then try not to worry about it, how about water weight? Have you been more swollen or not drinking enough water? Because that adds up fast! I'm also about your height and eating around the same. Nothing I did differently really helped, so I just tried to stop worrying about it personally. Good luck and hang in there :)
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    All 3 pregnancies I had a rapid gain weight right in the beginning of my 3rd trimester. It ranged from 8-10lbs. But it'd mostly be once & then I'd go back to a some what normal weight gains 4-5lb at doc visits
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    All I can tell you is pregnancy weight gain makes no sense, and I finally learned to stop trying to look at it logically, because it doesn't work. Like you said everyone gains at different rates. I've had weeks where I gained 3-4lbs, but lately (currently 34 weeks) it has slowed to around1-2 per week and I haven't changed anything....just accept it and if you doctor isn't worried then try not to worry about it, how about water weight? Have you been more swollen or not drinking enough water? Because that adds up fast! I'm also about your height and eating around the same. Nothing I did differently really helped, so I just tried to stop worrying about it personally. Good luck and hang in there :)

    This was my experience, too. I had weeks where I gained more, some less, some not at all, I even lost a few pounds at the end.

    Don't let the weight gain consume you during your pregnancy. Be mindful, eat healthy and exercise as much as you can. As long as baby is healthy and your doctor isn't worried, trust that your body is doing what it needs to do. Chickybuns is right - pregnancy weight gain makes no sense :)
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Per your calories, you may have only gained 3 lbs, but the rest could be the amniotic fluid, increased blood volume, baby's weight, etc. This will add to your overall weight gain, but not all the 9 lbs is "fat" by overeating. Just keep that in mind and you'll be ok. Not all the weight you put on you'll have to lose; only a % of it as the rest is related to growing the baby and will go away within the first week or two. So as others have said, don't pay too much attention to the scale, but rather just keep paying attention to your calories to keep from overeating too much. Hope this helps!