I don't see what they do....

Twice this weekend people have commented on how much they see my weight loss in my face....yet I see pictures of myself and I don't see a face that looks thin, I still see a round face. I have finally gotten to my pre-pregnancy weight which I remember being happy at before....but now somehow I am not. Anyone else struggling with this??? By the way, I am 5 foot 8.5 in and at 164 (new goal of 150 lbs).


  • ambiedawnz
    ambiedawnz Posts: 108 Member
    I've always had a round/oval "baby face" so when I look in the mirror that's what I always see.. I'm hoping if I ever get to my ultimate goal (135) that my chin will at least look smaller.
    (I'm 5'7.5" and currently around 160 -weigh in tomorrow - hoping for 159 or 158!!)
    Right now I'm looking to get down to 150 by the end of Nov and then 140 by jan/feb.
    I always see most of my weight in my mid section :/
    If people are telling you they see a difference then that's great, even if you can't see it right now, I'd take it as a positive thing and keep trucking!