Season 3 - Episode 1 "Seed" (10/14/12)



  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    All I can say is this: ZOMBIES IN RIOT GEAR!!!!! AWESOME!!!:laugh:

    Agreed!!! I love that they added the initial element of "Oh F^*&K!!! How are we suppose to kill these things?!?!" And the look on Maggie's face after she killed the first one was hilarious!!! She was so proud of herself!!! I'm glad she's stepping into the role of female bad *kitten*.
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    they are all infected right? why did they have to cut herschel's leg off?

    so he wouldnt die right away and then become a walker sooner than if he dies a normal death

    of course, rick is no surgeon so hershell will probably bleed to death anyway, but at least he got to feel the awful of having his leg unnecessarily hacked off :laugh:

    cutting off the leg will just make the bleeding worse right?

    and why was glen looking for scratches?

    maybe they still dont believe rick?

    Being scratched or bitten causes the fever that kills you. Everyone who dies turns but being bitten turns you quicker. I have to say there is a lot more gore this season. I cringed when the guys face was ripped off and when Hershel's leg was hacked off.

    I have been ambivilent to all the characters, found things I loved and things I hated about each, but I have a huge soft spot for Hershel. His impending death was the first that made me really sad. I know his life will suck now without his right leg but I am so happy that he's alive. He's the voice of reason in a bunch of idiots.

    They best not mess with Daryl or I may have to boycott the show completely. Feel free to feed Carl, Laurie and/or Beth to any walker you deem worthy :D
  • reactor25
    reactor25 Posts: 146 Member
    All I can say is this: ZOMBIES IN RIOT GEAR!!!!! AWESOME!!!:laugh:

    I know, right!!!! That was bad@ss!