Holiday Motivation

Hey All,

It's been awhile since I logged in to MFP and I can say that my progress as suffered because of that. But I am trying to get myself motivated and thought I would see if any of you want to join me. I am setting a goal for myself to lose 15 lbs by January 1, for me that is 10% of the weight I need to lose and would be a great way to start the new year.

Current Weight: 274
Goal Weight Jan 1: 259
Progress: Just starting
Reward: New wool coat
Weakness: I lose motivation and hey it's the holidays...lots of distractions, candy and high calorie foods available.
Motivation: It's time to start replacing worn out clothes in my closet, so I can replace them with the same (or a larger size) or a smaller size. I want to be smaller.
Plan: Eat within my calorie amounts, increase my exercise to 10K steps a day.