What are your current 5x5 weights



  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I just restarted doing the Stronglifts program and my weights are creeping back to where they were a few months ago:

    Squat: 115
    OHP: 60 - this was relatively easy and the last time around I stalled here.
    DL: 125
    BP: 75
    Rows: 85

    My squats and DL used to be 145 and 165, respectively, and I can't wait to blow past those numbers!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    They are not impressive but here they are:

    squats: 90
    Bench press: 55
    Overhead press: 40
    bent over row: 60
    Deadlift: 95

    I just restarted it so my weights are lower than they used to be :( They are going up though. I was stuck at 85lbs on squats for like 4 workouts... I FINALLY got all reps yesterday morning after taking a week off of going to the gym and am doing 90 tomorrow.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Week 2...

    Squats: 110#
    Bench Press: 55# - still feels easy but I'm starting slow on the upper body since it increases really quickly
    Barbell Row: 65#
    OH Press: 45#
    Deadlifts: 145# - only did 3 reps today - will try again next week.

    Think I'm hitting my first deload for squats and DLs. Not a great feeling. The 10# increases in DL are especially rough, and I can feel my form suffering. For men a 10# increase is a much smaller proportion of their weight than it is for women. I'm considering doing 5# incremental increases. Has anyone been playing with those numbers? Thoughts?

    I never did 10lb increments on deadlifts. Always 5lbs.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    End of week 4. Squats 97, dead 107, overhead press 62, bench 77, row 87.

    My *kitten* is so sore I have to rock back and forth in my chair a few times before getting up. :sad: So glad tomorrow is rest day.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    About dead and sqaut increments, they are larger specifically because the legs tend to be stronger and can handle more weight than the upper body. Maybe also check you are eating enough and having enough rest between sets and also have total days off from the gym, lifting and cardio. (might be an energy dip more than a strength dip if you see what I mean)
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I would call last week my warm up week, so technically I just finished week 1. I'm following spreadsheet except deads

    Bench 50#
    OHP 45#
    Squats 55#
    Rows 70#
    Deads 135#

    I did a set of 90# on the deads last week and felt it was too light, so I loaded up a little and this week pulled 135# 1x5.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Im on week 4 -

    Bench 65#
    OHP 45# (that **** is heavy and my nemesis)
    Squats 115#
    Rows 80#
    Deads 135# -- was up to 145 but couldnt pull 5 in a row :sad: