Do People Still Come Here?

I'd love to exchange pleasantries... or outrages, or concerns, or ideas, or passions with other feminists. Who all is out there? I'm fairly new to the site and could use some more moral support for this metamorphosis. Get at me :)


  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    I found this group for the first time a couple of weeks ago and posted something. You're the first person to post anything since. So it might just be you and me!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I keep watching the site to see if there are any new posts but it has been quite inactive for a while. I know I could start a topic instead of waiting for someone else to do it - but I like seeing thought provoking subjects then I go away and ponder them before responding. I think the gender perspective of being "fat" is quite obvious in it's implications in that most people acknowledge the bigger inequities of how society is geared up to try and brainwash females into certain perspectives when it comes to body image - but I was hoping that this group could move past the obvious to talk about that in a less generalistic way - but I guess that takes time and input to get the ball rolling - she says waffling away...
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    Loved your post, Carfoodel. We're a little bit alike.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    lol thanks -AnotherAustin

    it's all just so prolific, always particularly annoys me in fitness magazines as it makes such an assumption that it's all about appearance - although I am not for a minute suggesting that there is not an element of feeling more presentable as a side effect, but that's not my main motivation - and I am sure I am not alone.

    Its other offensive things like larger sized female clothing always being placed at the back of stores, like regular members of the public shouldn't have to be subjected to the sight of bigger people looking for something to wear that isn't overpriced, poor quality and badly designed.

    I could go on and on about assumptions of being overweight being equated with lack of control and indulgence, I really have noticed a difference since I have lost a lot of weight. Although I am sure some of that could also be contributed to me being more confident?

    anyway maybe we can just use this post as a starter for the things that push our buttons?
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    Hadn't thought about the placement of plus sized clothing in stores. You're probably right that it's by design. I do my clothes shopping at a thrift store near me. They often have great stuff.

    I often have an idealized view of my size and buy things too small a lot. Now that I've lost some weight it's nice to be able to actually wear some of those clothes finally.
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I am at a stage where I am in between sizes - if I buy a uk 18 it is roomy but if I buy the 16 it fits but I feel restricted in it and it feels a bit clingy - it probably looks just fine but I don't want to look as if I have poured myself into something just because it is a certain label size.

    I haven't been this small for decades so I am having to buy new clothes - but restricting myself to as few as I can get by with and I look like an advert for asda (equivalent of walmart in the UK) but at least they are cheap. the 2nd hand store near me only has one wee rack of women's clothing and it tends to be cocktail dresses, mini skirts and tweed lol

    It still annoys me that you have to pay through the nose for exercise clothes for bigger women - if they can be found - its like only skinny people should be exercising
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    I have pneumonia so I haven't been online in awhile.

    One thing about sizes... I had a friend who worked in a dress factory years ago. He said if a store ordered a dozen size 10's of a certain dress and they didn't have that many, they would just put size 10 labels in whatever sizes they had. I said that explained a LOT!!!! How many times have you tried a size you know you usually fit into and it doesn't fit. Either it's too big or too small!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    oh good grief pnuemonia is not good at all - hope it clears for you soon

    I have heard that before too about the clothes sizes - which kind of makes a mockery of the fixation with sizes but regardless, there is a stigma attached to larger sizes, all the emotive language used in the daily mags - would imagine it's the same in the US but even when they are touting a weight loss its all this girl lost a "whopping" x amount of weight and have all these ridiculous pictures of this is how much I used to eat and this is how lazy I was blah blah - its more annoying when they do it in the fitness magazines - why they can't just focus on the exercise and nutrition instead of all that vacuous crap.
  • AnotherAustinGirl
    AnotherAustinGirl Posts: 62 Member
    There are so many things that push my buttons!

    I agree about the assumptions of people that laziness, etc., is the cause of obesity. Genetics doesn't seem to enter their little minds at all. Not that there aren't issues about laziness, overeating, etc. I've certainly been guilty of that plenty in my life but when you're fighting and still losing (or not losing) it gets frustrating to the point of giving up and indulging at times.

    I don't read many fitness magazines but when I have I'm amazed at all the ads for so obviously bogus "solutions" and dangerous ones it seems to me. Those companies probably keep the magazines in business, unfotunately.

    I don't necessarily want to be skinny but fit and healthy. My "optimum" weight they say is 116. I think I'd feel weak and sick if I were ever that small. Wouldn't mind be 150 though. I think that would suit me just fine.

    Feeling better enough to exercise some this weekend. I'm in a lot of groups on MFP that have weekly exercise challenges. I'm going to actually try to catch up on what I've missed this week. It may kill me in the process but that's just my Obsessive Compulsvie tendencies kicking in!

    I don't know how to "friend" people on this site but if you do and want to friend me, please do! I've enjoyed our exchanges or we can just keep it here as a venting place.
  • CurlyGlitterChicken
    Come back, come back, I just found you!

  • AnarchistFitness
    AnarchistFitness Posts: 9 Member
    I'm still here!