

  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Saturday - all logged in, diary open.

    45 min CLX Burn & Recharge
    45 min cleaning out the garden.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I am completing my food diary right after this post. For exercise was 20 minutes of high intensity interval training, 30 minutes of walking and 30 minutes of elliptical.
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Sunday...feeling crappy. :sad:

    45 min on Wii - b/c it was easy
    food diary open. regretting dinner as I type. Where's the Pepto?
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    stregnth training-15 minutes=62
    climbing stairs-5 minutes=55
    walking 3.5 mph-32 minutes=193
    logging every thing
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    I missed 2 days of exercising, but I worked both of those days. Saturday I went grocery shopping and then I had to work 8 hours. Today I went in at 8am and worked 9 hours and then came home and did some housework. I didn't calculate any of those things as exercise, but I am sure they could be considered exercising.
    I have been doing great on logging, but not so good on what I am eating. UGH!!! I have decided to make a goal this week of no chocolate (other than a chocolate fiber bar) or pumpkin anything. This is a bad time of year because I love all the pumpkin stuff.
  • Raregreeneyes
    Raregreeneyes Posts: 80 Member
    no exercise the last 2 days. :( but did all my logging.
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    WOW! how did I screw this up…I can’t believe I have forgotten to log my exercise here on our challenge page oops!

    Burned 735 calories doing 130 minutes running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile) 30 minutes; walking 3.5 uphill 30 minutes; weight training 70minutes.

    Burned 208 weight training 60minutes

    Burned 416 walking 3.5 uphill 54 minutes (5k race pushing 218#’s)

    Burned 337 calories doing 30 minutes of Elliptical

  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Sunday activities:

    Exercise - 45 minutes of Spin Class and 20 minutes on the Treadmill

    Food - 1/2 Chicken Salad Bowl from Chipotle
    Lunch - Small turkey wrap from Jersey Mikes and Cheetos
    Dinner - NONE

    Water - 40 ounces of water
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    Walking-20 minutes=68
    stregnth training-10 minutes=41
    Still logging all meals and snacks.

    I didn't sleep well last night, I went to the doctor and I have poisan ivy! so I'm on meds. that could make me gain weight this week:grumble: . I'm hopeing not but last time I was on theese meds. for the sdame thing I gained 7lbs. Hopeing for the best but at least I'm not itching right now! I did the minimal for the day for exercise. Hope to do more tomarrow.
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Monday - logging..still have a small meal left, but rest is open.
    35 min CLX burn circuit 1... week 4.
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    I am getting my exercise but struggling with food. Today was a 4am 45 minute walk. I also work 10 hours a day so I am really tired Lately, I need to step up my logging/eating efforts!
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    saturday: Forgot to log for Saturday and Sunday I am not quite used to that yet. anyway walked my dogs for 20 minutes and then did 15 minutes of arms.

    Sunday: None

    Monday: 54 minutes of Just Dance and 20 minutes of abs
  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    Burned 416 weight training 120 minutes…..didn’t get to do cardio this morning, Tabby was having a hard time last night so I was up till 2 am

  • psychomomxs4
    psychomomxs4 Posts: 400 Member
    Burned 728 calories doing 120 minutes walking 3.5 uphill 60 minutes; weight training 90minutes.

  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member
    Tuesday 10/16

    Breakfast - Fruit and Veggie Smoothie
    Snack - Yogurt covered Almonds
    Lunch - Baked Chicken, Yellow Rice, and Broccoli
    Dinner - Same as Lunch

    Walked 20 minutes at work
    Will do more walking tonight

    On track to drink 80 ounces
  • neon7girl
    neon7girl Posts: 230 Member
    Tuesday -I'm losing track of the days.

    30 min fat blaster ( horrible workout video--I do not recommend)

    logging - diary open and current.
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    Tuesday- went out for dinner, but got some roasted chicken and veg so not too bad!

    30 minutes of turbo jam:)
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    Mowed lawn-45 minutes=344 calories
    walked 3.5-15 minutes=90 calories
    walked 2.0 20 minutes=68

    Went out to dinner with my son, sister, neice April and great nephew, we had a blast!!! April is my partner on my fitness and just had surgery last ,week she is doing good. We pushed her in a wheel chair at the mall, her son needed jeans for school.
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    I am not putting on what I am doing for exercise but I have exercised at least 1/2 hour each day, usually more because Monday I got in 2 workouts and yesterday was at least 35 minutes. Today I will be running in the morning and a workout this afternoon. I have been good about logging my food, but last night I forgot to complete my food journal so when I woke up this morning I did it, and of course it doesn't show up if you didn't do it before midnight. :(
  • yspen42
    yspen42 Posts: 285 Member

    50 minutes of walking - 2 hills included

    Breakfast - Smoothies
    Lunch - baked chicken, yellow rice, broccoli - yogurt for desert
    Dinner - TBD maybe Jersey Mike turkey wrap

    Water - 8 cups

    I am believing that I am going to lose at least 1 pound tomorrow...YAY