Embarrasing...Long Runs upset my belly!

Help! I have just the last few months been doing 10 mile runs and right in the middle of it I get really bad belly cramps and most of the time have to find a restroom and have well you know "upset stomach" ....I run first thing in the morning so it's not as if it's something during the day of me eating junk. I feel like I need to eat something or I just won't have the energy in the morning to run that distance as I am already waking up at 4:30 and running at 5. I can not get up 2 hours earlier to eat prior to my run. I have tried a full banana, it killed my stomach, a chewy bar (I know it was all I had on hand) it upset my stomach, even a handful of raisens which I read was great for running and that tore up my stomach. The GU gels also upset my stomach. I NEVER have tummy issues, only in this one instance. I only ate half a banana this past Sunday and I was able to make it through the run atleast before I had to hit the restroom however now I am nervous as I have two 1/2 marathons coming up and do not want this to be an issue! Please any suggestions I would greatly appreciate!


  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I was having the same problem this summer. I did a bunch of research and started taking L-Glutamine as a supplement. It calmed my intestines right down and the problem ended. I also had gone off of meat, and I never eat before any run of any distance. I had lots of people tell me to watch what I ate the day before, watch my fiber, etc....none of that seem to make a difference for me. It was simply that my intestines were having some absorbation issues and I wasn't just irritating them enough. I haven't had the problem in couple of months now.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    Thank You so much for the tip! I will definitely look into getting some asap I really apreciate it :)
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    before every single long run i take an anti diarrohea medication. if it's for a race i take lots, starting one or 2 days before the run. it's something about the blood needing to go to your muscles to keep them oxygenated and working, and therefore they leave your intestines alone. causing them to fall out.
    i also have to be careful about what i eat for a few days before- nothing spicy, new, limit fruit and veg, and stick with refined carbs (white rice, pasta etc).
    it sucks, i know. but i've been managing it this way for ages now. seems to be working so far. but you'll need to work out what works for you.
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    before every single long run i take an anti diarrohea medication. if it's for a race i take lots, starting one or 2 days before the run. it's something about the blood needing to go to your muscles to keep them oxygenated and working, and therefore they leave your intestines alone. causing them to fall out.
    i also have to be careful about what i eat for a few days before- nothing spicy, new, limit fruit and veg, and stick with refined carbs (white rice, pasta etc).
    it sucks, i know. but i've been managing it this way for ages now. seems to be working so far. but you'll need to work out what works for you.

    Thank You for the suggestion! I have 7 weeks before my 1/2 marathon so luckily I have some time for trial & error
  • ajzmann
    ajzmann Posts: 147 Member
    You are NOT alone! I have had some major stomach problems. I have slowly trained my body to go in the morning before my runs. It's taken awhile, but that helps. Additionally, I agree with the watching what you eat. My diet tends to be high in fiber, so before a long run, I have to sub out some of that high fiber foods with some refined carbs. (I love an excuse to eat a regular bagel!)

    I also have lost any shame. If I have to stop during my run, I just do. You are not alone, so don't feel bad if you need to make a pit stop.

    It gets better, just really learning what's best for your body. Everyone is different!
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    If you have that strong of an issue with food before a run, I would suggest doing just liquid the day of. this was the recommendation I heard from a registered sports dietitian.

    be careful with meds as they can effect how your body reacts in many ways. I had a friend who took some before one of her last marathons and it killed her cardio. She finished almost an hour slower than she should have. She felt lethargic. If you need to take something, try something a little less strong like pepto first.
  • katieherndon
    katieherndon Posts: 6 Member
    I use a sodium replacement tablet called Nunne. The lady at the running store convinced me to get it after telling her I had tummy issues. I never get cramps or "upset stomach" during or after my runs anymore. I'm able to run faster and have more energy too. I think it's only 5 calories, no sugar and you just put it in your water. Hope that helps.
  • wils8262
    I've had a lot of stomach issues and had to be very careful about what I ate beforehand. I finally found the all-natural carb boom and it is the only thing I can eat during a long run. I've tried other things such as gu and it never ended well. Good luck!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    Wow! Great suggestions thank you everyone!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I used to take half an imodium before all my runs. Now I only take it when I have an upset stomach and before all my races.
  • olemissgal00als
    olemissgal00als Posts: 15 Member
    Everyone goes through the stomach issues phase. For me, I had to discover the food that worked for me. I wake up 1 hour + earlier than scheduled run and eat half a bagel with a banana and peanut butter. I also drink water or nuun on long runs and take gu or beans. Any other drinks or chomps upset my stomach. Before long races, I get up even earlier and drink a cup of coffee to promote the bowels if you get my drift and then take an Imodium before race. I also plan long runs along routes where I pass a bathroom multiple times, just in case.
  • kenleyj
    kenleyj Posts: 51 Member
    I am a morning runner, so I get up super early and drink about 12 oz of water,and then strong coffee. Usually the caffeine in the coffee lets me empty out pretty good before I run. If GU gels upset your stomach, try another brand?
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Thank you for posting this question. I've struggled with the cramping for 2 years now, and just "accepted" the fact that when I run over 10k in a week, I'll have cramping. Not so much with the bowels, but . . .

    Excellent suggestions from everyone, and you know I'll be tweaking based on what they told you :)
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Great topic! and totally necessary I think we've all been there. :S I find that so long as I get in my pre-race bowel movement I'm usually ok, but it took me a long time to realize what I need to eat before long runs. (usually a bagel with peanut butter and a banana before a marathon). If I have to go on the course I am just thankful that most races have portapotties set up near the water stations. (though have definitely had to do a woods dash or two in my time!)

    Will definitely check out the nuun though, that sounds pretty promising! My biggest problem is that I'm allergic to grapes and a lot of the running gummies and gels use concentrated white grape juice as a sweetener. (talk about your tummy troubles :S) I've discovered that gu chomps are grape free but that's it so far. Anyone have any good recommendations? (am definitely a gummy person over gels, I find that the consistency of gels makes me gag)
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    It's commonly called a "Code Brown" emergency (for some reason)... :embarassed:
  • PimpinLikeTripper
    I stop carbing 2 days prior and bump protein the day before 13 or more. Cut the fat and fiber with the carbs. Other options could be doubling up on your multi a couple of days before or "purging :)" 2 nights before with a good diuretic. I don't have a problem with gels or gummies so your issue might be more severe.
  • kywh
    kywh Posts: 46 Member
    There have been lots of good suggestions here, but I disagree with comments about not eating anything prior to a race of any distance. You need to fuel your body--especially when you start increasing to anything beyond a 1/2 marathon. You'll have a lot more than tummy trouble if you don't have the right fuel in your system for long distances. Keep trying different tactics--but don't cut out eating on race morning! :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Arc told me the 1/2 Immodium thing when I posted this about a year ago. I take a 1/2 Immodium about 15 minutes before running and take the other 1/2 of the pill with me. Most of the time I don't have any problems, but if I start to feel a rumble, I take the other 1/2. I also watch my fiber the day before and eat really bland foods the day before. This sounds obvious, but we all get busy with life and don't think about it: be conscious of when you have BM's the day before and give yourself plenty of time to empty your tract the night before :wink:
  • cleanlife28
    cleanlife28 Posts: 4 Member
    It is nice to know I am not the only one with this issue!!!! Thank you for posting :)
    I have always had issues with digestion until I trained my body to be regulated in the am before my run as already suggested. I eat whole.... real foods rather than fake gels and bars because they kill my stomach and I do not like spiking my sugar too fast- I feel nausea and light headed. I do okay as you said with a small banana before 10+ miles other than that I do not eat before long distance runs and always run in the early morning. If I run in the afternoon I can be sure my run will not feel the same and my stomach always acts up. Things that I have found work for me - eat whole foods less or no packaged food...I never eat before my runs. Sometimes I do an electrolyte drink if I am doing more than 90 min. Then I will go eat lean protein, complex carb and I am good to go for the day.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    "Runners trots " are quite common. RunnersWorld.com has good info... also dont drink cold water! It cramps you too. I eat the night before of mostly carbs and in the a.m. am able to rid it before an am run.