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Inspiration, do you define it or dose it define you?
Who's your inspiration?


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I personally think who you are defines the decisions you make but the things you do , define who you are.Inspiration is more a persons inner drive, where motivation requires a lot of pushing and prodding.So inspiration is the race car, where motivation is the pedal car.Have i confused you all??????? Is it awful to say my inspiration is ME.? I am doing it all cause i want to, and its coming from deep inside me!ITS MY INNER DRIVE,,, oh hell, i give up! Thats kinda complex! well, i tried............
  • Igneous
    Igneous Posts: 12
    Not complex at all! I'm glad you inspire yourself...I think it's great to find motivation anywhere but ultimately you should be in tune with your inner "mechanics" All in all go for it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    thanks, even i was tongue tied after all that, ha ha