Another Newbie Here

StarrMate Posts: 5 Member
New to the group. *waves*

So what that it’s not my name, let’s just call me “Starr”. I’m 29. “Married” lesbian with EDNOS, currently living in [stupid] Oklahoma.

I recently/am currently cleaning off and rebuilding my friends list. I see no need to have a **** ton of “friends” and receive 0 support. So, I’m deleting a lot of people… mainly the younger crowd of MFP. I have nothing against them… except that I don’t like seeing 14 year olds threaten to slice their wrist or saying how horrible their parents are because “omg u guise! My mom is so fukin mean!! She bought me dinner AGAIN!! How am I ever going to get to 68 pounds?! I hate her so much!!!”. I grew up extremely poor and without parents; It makes me want to ground them for being ungrateful. To be honest, I didn’t even like teenagers when I was one—and now that I’m grown, it’s worse (because, damn it, the law says I can’t beat them like they are grown, even though they like to talk **** like they are!! Lol). Anyways, I’m looking to rebuild a small support group for myself (well, each other) and this seemed like a good place to start.

Take a look at my “About Me” and add me if you think we’d be good friends for one another 
& of course- Best of luck to all of you with all of your goals <3
