kia ora!

hi there, lovely to meet you all :) Papillary thyroid cancer survivor here - TT 2007, 2xRAI 2008, currently on 150mcg levothyroxine.

I've always been a shocker trying to lose weight so I'm not sure how much of my problem is due to my lack of a thyroid, my desk job, family diet prefs (and nibbling on leftovers), comfort eating (cancer, earthquakes, general stress) etc etc. I've been an intermittent member of MFP for a year or so now *gulp* never come close to hitting my goal though, so I'm planning to get stuck in this time.

I have a very active 5yo daughter and veggie patch, so there is opportunity to exercise and incentive to eat healthily, particularly with NZ coming back into summer right now. We live in a very flat area, but I do love to walk, so now that the long evenings are upon us I'm hoping to get in a few walks along with plenty of gardening. Now all I need is to get this thing working on my phone.. :)


  • kurting81
    kurting81 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm also on levothryoxine following cancer treatment as my thryroid gland got torched from radiation treatment.

    I definitely think that having thyroid issues contributes to weight instability however I feel that it can be controlled through healthy eating and exercise. Good Luck on your journey to a healthier way of living.

    Lets see you turn that intermittent MFP membership into a regular one. I've been attempting to do that and know it's easier said than done...