Question about Exercise log


I'm trying to log my exercise. Today I did a combination of cardio and weight training. I inputted both. However, for calories, it only accounted for the cardio portion of my workout. Why is that? I definitely spent just as much effort, if not more, doing the weights and I'm certain I burned far more calories in that portion. Is there any way for example to include Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups) in my diary and have it counted in the calories sections? I was able to find it in the exercise database... am I just missing something here?

Would appreciate any advice.. else my fitness pal is too skewed .. as I do about 50/50..




  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    In order to get calories accounted for weight/resistance/strength training, you need to log it as strength training or circuit training - depending on what type or routine you have - under the cardio section. FYI, if it's straight strength, you may not be burning as much as you think. Although you're putting more concentrated effort in, your heart rate tends to be lower and therefore your calorie burn is lower.

    For example, I can burn somewhere between 7 and 11 calories per minute depending on what kind of cardio I'm doing (intensity matters so running will burn more than walking). Doing straight strength, I tend to only get 6 or 7 calories per minute. Doing circuit traiing, I can get closer to 9 or 10 calories per minute.

    Also, just for future reference, you'll probably get more answers to a question like this if you post it on the main message board. Since this is under the NE USA group you'll only get answers from members of this group that happen to check the group board.

    Good luck!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    1) Click the TAB "My Exercises’ to customize your workouts: Enter in the specific name of what you want to give your workout, then enter time, enter calories.

    2) You can also log it as strength training & calisthenics separately. Under Exercises, enter them and hit search. They each come up in a long list of activities.

    There is no entry for circuit strength training so I just log it as strength training.

    I can’t remember the website I used to help me determine calories burned during calesthenics or strength training. I guess googling or as suggested ask it on the main forum where your topic will be picked up by someone.

    Welcome, Good luck, stay strong.