wk 16 Tues 16th oct

I think I'm alone now lol but Ill post up the last two weeks log in posts anyway :)

If your reading this I hope you have done well on your weight loss if you haven't done too well, don't quit! keep it going you will get there, the journey may just be a little longer than you first thought :)

the final weigh in post will be for weigh and measurements and will be posted on Thursday 25th Oct :)

heres my weights so far

WK 1 ---163lbs
WK 2 ---161.4lbs
WK 3 ---160.4lbs
WK 4 ---164.4lbs
WK 5 ---166lbs
WK 6----160.8lbs
WK 7----160.6lbs
WK 8----160.2lbs
WK 9----160.2lbs
WK 10 -160.2lbs
WK 11 -160.6lbs
WK 12 -159.2lbs
WK 13 - 157.6lbs
WK 14 - 158.4lbs
WK 15 - 158.4lbs
WK 16 - 157.6lbs ... I upped my cals this week as I was feeling very ill and tired yet the scales went in the right direction .... Im in the dilema of do I continue eating higher or do i drop them back down .... weight loss is so complicated :(

total loss so far on this challenge 8.4lbs