The Force is with YOU!!!!!! 10/18

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
I read something and I sooooooo wanted to share with you because the mental challenges are what kick our butts! Please read this article if you have time if not just read these ques and really really think on them!

#1-Deprivation: "I can't eat that."

#2-Time Management: "I don't have time to cook!"

#3-Fear of Failure: "What if I don't_________?!"

As my MFP friend Mr. Fierce Factor said these are mental meanies! How did Luke Skywalker grow to be the Jedi Knight he was suppose to be??? Be fighting the mental meanies that Yoda and Ben were teaching him to deal with! (Yes a Star Wars Fan!)

How do you want to reframe your health??

Challange yourself bc the holidays are coming starting with Halloween and this is when people either give up or keep on pushing!


  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I eat what I want, when I want, until my calories run out or I'm done for the day. Then I stop eating...usually.

    So yeah, I'm taking the simplified approach and not trying to overthink things.
  • ajrich1
    ajrich1 Posts: 94 Member
    Over thinking is always my down fall so trying to do just what aakaakaak said stay within my calories and trade out something nutrionally not so good for something better.
  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    I read the article and agree. In the book I am reading it too stated we stay where we are not because we are comfortable but because it is familiar. We have come to believe because it is familiar it is where we belong. We must first change our thinking/perspective to change our response.