Food porn



  • manofpies
    manofpies Posts: 71 Member
    Get on you tube and watch epic meal time... Food so dumb it's smart..
  • Scottish_Lass
    Came back to this post, and yep, I'm still obsessed! I had my tea (a lovely chicken casserole) whilst watching my foody shows.

    So tell me, favourite meals?
  • manofpies
    manofpies Posts: 71 Member
    Rack of lamb.... Mmmmmmm m
  • gnr123
    gnr123 Posts: 173
    Came back to this post, and yep, I'm still obsessed! I had my tea (a lovely chicken casserole) whilst watching my foody shows.

    So tell me, favourite meals?

    Moussaka hmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • veggiebound
    veggiebound Posts: 78 Member
    Lol. Yay for the UK foodies.

    I love watching come Dine With Me, River Cottage and Jamie too :laugh:
  • gnr123
    gnr123 Posts: 173
    I discovered a new food porn over the weekend..
    ITV Dinner date, it was actually quite good!
  • dididede
    dididede Posts: 61 Member
    Oooh I thought it was just me! "What did you have for your tea last night?" is the first question out my mouth every morning at work. Also sometimes I feel like the only female ever to hate all other kinds of shopping with a vengeance, except for food shopping, that I can do for hours quite happily browsing the aisles. Glad I'm not a freak after all! x
  • CuddlyCurves
    CuddlyCurves Posts: 9 Member
    I'm totally the same too!!!! I love Man Vs Food (slight crush on Adam Richmond too!!) & just wondering how all that food must taste plus Come Dine With Me is on my TV regularly too plus Nigella - think she's fabulous!! I can watch cookery & food shows for hours & hours!!
    I love looking through menus & choosing what I would have, this includes restaurant menus as well as pizza menus - it's literally my porn - I can look, I can imagine but I cannot go any further than that!!
    I really thought I was the only one until I came across this topic!!