Clothes - does anyone else do this?

AEB_WV Posts: 323 Member
I shop at Goodwill a LOT and my biggest NSV lately is being able to buy just about any size 12 pants and medium top, not try them on (their dressing rooms are gross) and 90% of the time it fits. If not, back to Goodwill!

Sometimes I'll buy something in a smaller size so that I'll have a goal hanging in my closet.

I also for the most part don't keep clothes that are too large. Once I'm out of a size I get rid of them. If you have a bigger size hanging in your closet you may be tempted to backslide because it removes at least one consequence (having to buy new clothes) for gaining weight.

Size 10 here I come!!


  • Dianemustang
    I try not to think size as with "flab" that will never go away unless I have a body lift - I am just excited that my once tight 14s are feeling great - maybe a 12 someday - will always be a large top but....I am excited to shop thrift and Goodwill - I never try on and for the most part have been very lucky.....and I do not keep things that now hang on me - except my favorite sweatshirt that I wear only at home!
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    In the past I had kept my too big clothes and I agree with you, they were like a cushion or something, besides some were really nice or had been expensive. So this time I donated them to the church thrift store. I knew someone who needed them would be getting really nice stuff and I could move forward and not look back. I've come to far health wise, I can't ever let myself go back.
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm keeping my favorite good jackets and dresses to have tailored once I reach my goal weight -- just a few items.
  • judykmmg
    judykmmg Posts: 56 Member
    I cleaned my closets and drawers out this weekend. I don't work this time of year so I went and bought the exercise pants and some t-shirts. I gave all the old clothes away. Like Larisonlj, I cannot go back! My health depends on me losing and maintaing my weight (diabetic and RA). A friend asked me what I would do if I gained my weight back and have already given my clothes away. I told her I would not ever be needing those clothes again. However, I will be giving away the few clothes hanging in my closet hopefully next year - when I have to buy even smaller sizes! Keeping the positive attitude!!!!
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I cleaned my closets and drawers out this weekend. I don't work this time of year so I went and bought the exercise pants and some t-shirts. I gave all the old clothes away. Like Larisonlj, I cannot go back! My health depends on me losing and maintaing my weight (diabetic and RA). A friend asked me what I would do if I gained my weight back and have already given my clothes away. I told her I would not ever be needing those clothes again. However, I will be giving away the few clothes hanging in my closet hopefully next year - when I have to buy even smaller sizes! Keeping the positive attitude!!!!
    good for you, stay strong, stay positive, and keep moving forward!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I live on the side of caution, and am a cheapskate, so instead of giving away all my old clothes, I have them boxed up and in the basement. I know I don't want to go back, but have had some struggles keeping off my loss, so rather than buy a new wardrobe, I've kept back some clothes... just in case. If I do need to get out old clothes, I'm confident it will only be temporary.
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I kept a ratty old pair of size 14 jeans in case I needed a reminder of how far I've come. And I kept a couple of pairs of semi ratty and only slightly too large size 6s to wear when I'm working with my roses - don't want to shred my 4s. Everything else has been donated or passed along to someone who can use them. The last thing to go was my winter jacket, which I didn't get around to replacing until they were put on final clearance late last spring. Funny how your perceptions change. I've been in maintenance a little over a year now, long enough for size 4 to look completely normal. But because I wore an oversized jacket all last winter, the new one looked impossibly small to me when I got it out on the first cold morning this fall. TINY. It was like "Does this belong to one of the kids?"
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    There is a thrift store where I live that gives away one free bag of clothes a day per customer . I have been taking advantage of that. I also do not keep things that are too large. As soon as I am too small for it away it goes.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    I love Goodwill. I went from a size 16-18 to size 4-6. I saved alot of money shopping at Goodwill. Got some really nice stuff cheap! And now i hate to shop anywhere else.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm a cheapskate, too, so I kept my expensive/favorite clothes in sizes ranging from 8 to 14 -- for 8 years. Once I was able to fit a size 10 again, I donated all the size 16-12 clothes. I donated good work suits/blouses to a local agency that outfits people getting into the job market.
    I am now wearing the size 10 clothes I saved. Keeping those small size clothes was like promising myself I would get there someday.
    Now I'm slowly getting into my size 8 clothes (didn't keep many of those, wasn't quite as hopeful about those) so I will be shopping for a few clothes soon. But right now I shop Goodwill, thrift stores and consignment stores. Lots of good deals there.
    I've already promised myself that if I can get back into a size 6 again (the smallest adult size I've ever worn), I will treat myself to some new stuff.
  • Mabohlale
    Mabohlale Posts: 148 Member
    I live in Africa and unfortunately there are no GoodWill type stores here, so I have been waiting until the clothes are literally falling off me to buy new and then trying to get by with less items and buy cheap stuff to just get me through until I get to my goal. I'm over half way there now, but I know I will drop at least another size before I'm done.
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I'm keeping my favorite good jackets and dresses to have tailored once I reach my goal weight -- just a few items.

    I'm also keeping my favorites to have tailored :-)
  • YouCanCountOnBunnies
    It feels like I have given almost all the contents of my wardrobe to the charity shop in the last few months. I'm trying not to spend too much on clothes while I am still changing shape, so there is a lot of space in there. Does anyone else find it a bit tricky to adjust to being a smaller size? I pick up my new size in a shop, look at it, and think "no, that's completely wrong, that will never fit me", so I keep trying on bigger sizes!
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    It feels like I have given almost all the contents of my wardrobe to the charity shop in the last few months. I'm trying not to spend too much on clothes while I am still changing shape, so there is a lot of space in there. Does anyone else find it a bit tricky to adjust to being a smaller size? I pick up my new size in a shop, look at it, and think "no, that's completely wrong, that will never fit me", so I keep trying on bigger sizes!

    Yes, i do the same thing. Try them on, you'll be surprised!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I started out a tight size 24 and I am now in a size 10 so I have bought most of my clothes the last few yrs at thrift stores and yes I get rid of everything that is too big except one pair of size 24 jeans. No going back
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    All the clothes that are too big have been donated...Goodwill, Purple Heart and really great friends. For the first time in my adult life, I do not need size spacers in my closet or in my drawers.

    This is a great feeling--ooohhhhh just bought my 2nd size 6 suit!
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Does anyone else find it a bit tricky to adjust to being a smaller size? I pick up my new size in a shop, look at it, and think "no, that's completely wrong, that will never fit me", so I keep trying on bigger sizes!
    Not me! I totally delight in being able to look through the small sizes on the rack, knowing I can fit them. As we all know, sizes vary widely among labels, so once in awhile I try on a size 10 that is too small, or a size 8 that fits perfectly. I'm looking forward to browsing the size 6 rack by early next year, just in time for clearance sales!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    As I was losing weight and for several months after, I couldn't visualize what the needed size should look like on a hanger and had to go mostly by the numbers. That has a way of limiting your choices in a world of such inconsistent sizing. I wear mostly 4s now, but the pants I'm wearing today happen to be size 2. They fit perfectly and I found them on a 70% off clearance rack, and I probably wouldn't have given them a second glance If I'd come across them a few months earlier than I did. Shopping is a lot easier when you actually have a feel for what you are doing.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    Started at size 23/24 and am now wearing size 15/16. Did a purge of clothes last fall which I gave away to Value Village (similar to Goodwill) and have a few more bags again. Any time I have needed smaller sized jeans I have bought them used as I see no point in spending money for brand new ones while I am still loosing weight. Was also wearing 1x-2x tops but finally back into a large size and sometimes a medium depending on the fit. I have splurged and bought a few brand new sweaters and blouses as I have stopped loosing up top. Feels great to FINALLY be able to purchase some clothing in regular stores!