So, my "car" veered off the beaten path to....



  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    That's it. We just all need to stop letting our cars drive us.
    That's the only rational solution I can think of!!!

    mhm, let's walk Everywhere!!! And when that doesn't work...ummmm. I ran out of ideas...sorry for being lame. Womp Womp Womp...

    Umm yea no.... my butt still gobbles the saddle and it is DAMNED uncomfortable!!! I'll stick to the slightly wayward car......... and besides, walking to work (2km) in heels, skirt and carrying my bag with lap top and marking... not a good look. You arrive all sweaty!!

    You can put all that stuff in a backpack with some shower stuff.... and they have big seats for bicycles now. I have one when I ride to the office, but one good thing about the military is that there is a gym nearby where I can take a shower and change... no place close by for that, a hospital or something, huh? I know you said you lived in a rural area... hmmm......