Anyone single by choice?

bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
After being in this group for a few months (I rarely post sorry lol) most of what I've read is that a lot of us here are currently attempting to find boyfriends/girlfriends. Or date casually. Is there any other members out there that are not looking for relationships right now? The last thing in the world I want right now is a girlfriend lol, my life is pretty busy right now I just don't want to add that in to the mix at this time. With that being said, I do enjoy nights out every once in a while and meeting girls is fun! So why would I want to give that up right now? I don't know, I may be just me, but I couldn't be happier to be single right now lol


  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Currently not putting myself out there in terms of..not on a dating site, which in the past is basically the only way I could get a date.

    So do I want to be involved? Yes that would be nice.
    But am I actively trying?.no. I have enough with work, running, the gym and prep for Xmas (since I'm making most of my gifts), and spending time with friends and family..that unless a guy pops up in my day to day life organically then I won't be dating.

    I'm talking to the last person I "met" online before I took down my profile...but I honestly don't think we'll meet..he seems to be more interested in debating me and yanking my chain over the phone than I don't count him as anything significant.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I am out there and if something happens it happens but I am not revolving my life around finding someone.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm talking to the last person I "met" online before I took down my profile...but I honestly don't think we'll meet..he seems to be more interested in debating me and yanking my chain over the phone than I don't count him as anything significant.

    Hey Kerry, this guy sounds like a right charmer!!! :noway:

    But seriously, you know they say that the best relationships start with disagreements! Something about guys finding women hot and desirable if they dont agree with them!! So............... :bigsmile:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I think I'm happily single for the most part. And I guess I choose to be as I'm not active on the dating scene.

    However, I have come to the conclusion that the type of guy that I'm attracted to doesn't exist on dating sites anymore! Guys in their 40's are just blah!! (present company excepted ;)

    Actually, I don't even really want a b/f in the domestic sense of the word, just someone to share good times with, semi regularly, would suit me :smokin:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    So when you had a g/f lacroyx, how heavy were you??
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    I enjoy being single. I also like dating. I don't want another "heavy" relationship at this point in time. It is too much. If you are in my space for too long I get antsy.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    I think you are completely adorable and every girl would be lucky if you liked them!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    So when you had a g/f lacroyx, how heavy were you??

    270-300 range. Kinda close to where I am now >.> I'm 311 at the moment.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    So when you had a g/f lacroyx, how heavy were you??

    270-300 range. Kinda close to where I am now >.> I'm 311 at the moment.

    OK, so when you lose another 11- 21lbs I expect you to be 99% confident again out there charming all the ladies!! :bigsmile:

    As Jen says, you're ADORABLE!!! Don't let your head tell you any different my friend. Remember, the war is in the mind! :flowerforyou:
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    I think you are completely adorable and every girl would be lucky if you liked them!

    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    So when you had a g/f lacroyx, how heavy were you??

    270-300 range. Kinda close to where I am now >.> I'm 311 at the moment.

    OK, so when you lose another 11- 21lbs I expect you to be 99% confident again out there charming all the ladies!! :bigsmile:

    As Jen says, you're ADORABLE!!! Don't let your head tell you any different my friend. Remember, the war is in the mind! :flowerforyou:

    Yes, it definitely is. It'll click for me one day that I am no longer 500lbs.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    But seriously, you know they say that the best relationships start with disagreements! Something about guys finding women hot and desirable if they dont agree with them!! So............... :bigsmile:
    I disagree with this statement. Wait... Hey... You look really sexy today. Did you do anything to your hair?
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I'm not actively seeking. Body image issues, I don't feel confident nor attractive 75% of the time. Even though I've nearly lost 200 lbs. and got just a little over 100 more to reach my goal weight, I see the old before me almost every day in the mirror. As kerrymh says, I keep myself busy with job, gym, spending time with family and friends.

    So when you had a g/f lacroyx, how heavy were you??

    270-300 range. Kinda close to where I am now >.> I'm 311 at the moment.

    OK, so when you lose another 11- 21lbs I expect you to be 99% confident again out there charming all the ladies!! :bigsmile:

    As Jen says, you're ADORABLE!!! Don't let your head tell you any different my friend. Remember, the war is in the mind! :flowerforyou:

    Lacroyx, You are a total cutie! Go out and be confident! :drinker:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    To answer the OP's question... I was single by choice for a while (or maybe it was simply out of fear of dating :tongue:), but now I'd rather be in a relationship if possible. I think age has something to do with how individuals feel about it too.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    If I could immediately skip past the "dating" part and just find someone that folded into my life comfortably that would be great.

    I don't really have the desire to date right now, which is a shame because I thought I found someone that would be a good fit, but I just wasn't inspired to actually put in the effort to make it work. I have a full time job, volunteer, time consuming fitness regimen and a full roster of friends that I already feel like I don't spend enough time with. I don't need a boyfriend enough to sacrifice any one of those things.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I don't really have the desire to date right now, which is a shame because I thought I found someone that would be a good fit, but I just wasn't inspired to actually put in the effort to make it work.

    Did I miss something? Do tell!
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    If I could immediately skip past the "dating" part and just find someone that folded into my life comfortably that would be great.

    I don't really have the desire to date right now, which is a shame because I thought I found someone that would be a good fit, but I just wasn't inspired to actually put in the effort to make it work. I have a full time job, volunteer, time consuming fitness regimen and a full roster of friends that I already feel like I don't spend enough time with. I don't need a boyfriend enough to sacrifice any one of those things.

    You just haven't met that one that will knock your socks off enough to want to find time to fit him in .. not feel like it is a sacrifice.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I don't really have the desire to date right now, which is a shame because I thought I found someone that would be a good fit, but I just wasn't inspired to actually put in the effort to make it work.

    Did I miss something? Do tell!

    I didn't intentionally leave anything out, I just didn't need advice on the situation so I didn't bother posting anything. He was a cool dude, odd looking but tall and I loved his beard. Total nerd like me, the first time we met spent most of the time talking about The Hobbit and which stories from The Silmarillion would be integrated into the movies to make it long enough for a trilogy. The second time we talked mostly about Michael Crichton novels....

    We went on a couple dates but we have very conflicting schedules. He lives on the opposite end of the freeway that I do (40 minutes drive each way) and works nights/weekends, while I work a normal Mon - Fri office hours job, and on weekends I volunteer and go out. He's painfully shy and wasn't comfortable joining me out so it was hard to integrate him into my life. I haven't run into him at Karaoke for a couple weeks now so I figure it's just not going to work. I do really like him though, which bums me out.
    You just haven't met that one that will knock your socks off enough to want to find time to fit him in .. not feel like it is a sacrifice.

    From my experiences someone either fits into my lifestyle or they don't, there's no forcing it. But yeah, I suppose I would be more willing to make sacrifices in other aspects of my life if he really did knock my socks off. For example, the guy above was -painfully- shy, I made all the moves (Hell, I even had to grab his hand the second time I ran into him and tell him to ask me on a date). I imagine if he had been just a little more outgoing it would have fit better. I dunno.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member

    We went on a couple dates but we have very conflicting schedules. He lives on the opposite end of the freeway that I do (40 minutes drive each way) and works nights/weekends, while I work a normal Mon - Fri office hours job, and on weekends I volunteer and go out.

    that is funny .. this new guy is 40 minutes away and also has an odd schedule. I guess we will see how this works out.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    We went on a couple dates but we have very conflicting schedules. He lives on the opposite end of the freeway that I do (40 minutes drive each way) and works nights/weekends, while I work a normal Mon - Fri office hours job, and on weekends I volunteer and go out.

    that is funny .. this new guy is 40 minutes away and also has an odd schedule. I guess we will see how this works out.

    Hahaha, yeah, the big muscles would probably help with that :laugh:
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I am! I gave up on dating a few months ago after a bad first date. ..Then of course a month later I met someone who I really like; however, we are taking things slowly and not rushing. He's busy, and so am !
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Currently not putting myself out there in terms of..not on a dating site, which in the past is basically the only way I could get a date.

    So do I want to be involved? Yes that would be nice.
    But am I actively trying?.no. I have enough with work, running, the gym and prep for Xmas (since I'm making most of my gifts), and spending time with friends and family..that unless a guy pops up in my day to day life organically then I won't be dating.

    This is me too. I go out and stuff, but the only way I'll find dates most likely is online dating, which I'm not doing right now. So technically I am single by choice.
    If I could immediately skip past the "dating" part and just find someone that folded into my life comfortably that would be great.

    Same here. I just wish I could fast-forward through all that...a lot of people like the initial steps of dating, but I wish I could wake up one day and just have a boyfriend!
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    But seriously, you know they say that the best relationships start with disagreements! Something about guys finding women hot and desirable if they dont agree with them!! So............... :bigsmile:

    If only! I should be the toast of the town if that was true :laugh: edited to add: That sounds like I go out of my way to disagree with men, which I don't. I just have strong opinions, some of which are not often shared by the men around me, and am not particularly reticent about giving my opinion and backing it up in a social setting - I enjoy debates!
    If I could immediately skip past the "dating" part and just find someone that folded into my life comfortably that would be great.

    Same here. I just wish I could fast-forward through all that...a lot of people like the initial steps of dating, but I wish I could wake up one day and just have a boyfriend!

    Me three. I actually crave cosy domesticity more than the whole dating/going-out thing.
  • mauryr
    mauryr Posts: 385
    I like being single, and dating. If something "happens", well, so be it.

    BTW, I am most definitely attracted to women who are able to disagree with me, and stand their ground on their beliefs. I really enjoy hearing other points of view, and discussing them. Total turn-on. (And the contrary is true, too... if I think a woman is agreeing with me just to be "nice" too often, I'm outta there!)

    Not on sill\y stuff like "what movie do you want to see", but, you know, meaningful stuff.
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    I'm talking to the last person I "met" online before I took down my profile...but I honestly don't think we'll meet..he seems to be more interested in debating me and yanking my chain over the phone than I don't count him as anything significant.

    Hey Kerry, this guy sounds like a right charmer!!! :noway:

    But seriously, you know they say that the best relationships start with disagreements! Something about guys finding women hot and desirable if they dont agree with them!! So............... :bigsmile:

    Lol I don't mind someone who can debate me, ect I found him interesting to talk to..but as I suspected he informed me he is not interested as he feels we would not be compatible ...seems he needs someone who is more agreeable with him lol

    So now back to being single..watching my friends announce their pregnancy on fb..and I start planning my life as a spinster lol
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    Definitely single by choice, and don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Two divorces were enough for me. I'm done.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Definitely single by choice, and don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Two divorces were enough for me. I'm done.

    You don't look old enough to have been divorced twice ..
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    You don't look old enough to have been divorced twice ..

    I love you for saying that, but alas.... I'm 42.
    Married at 20 for 10 years
    Married at 32 for 9 years

    I have learned my lesson. :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    You don't look old enough to have been divorced twice ..

    I love you for saying that, but alas.... I'm 42.
    Married at 20 for 10 years
    Married at 32 for 9 years

    I have learned my lesson. :)

    I agree, you don't look like it at all O_o;;