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  • Janyaa
    Janyaa Posts: 64 Member

    Not sure how active this group is, but felt like I wanted to join. I've been seeing a lot of people thanking God for their weight loss accomplishments. All well and good for them if it makes them happy, but that's not what works for me. I'll be thanking myself when I reach my GW, thank you very much.

    I'm agnostic. I accepted a long time ago that death is the universe's best kept secret and I'm okay with not knowing until I die. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine when people say they "KNOW" such and such is going to happen if you "sin" or that they "KNOW" nothing happens after you die and there is no God. In my opinion, nobody can really KNOW anything until they take that journey for themselves. I do prefer to look at the evidence and think about things scientifically, but I'm also willing to allow I may not be able to see all the evidence or understand it.

    Growing up my Dad said he was a Unitarian Universalist. My mom is what I like to call a "C&E" Christian (Christmas and Easter.) She identifies as Christian but never went to church. My grandparents on my Dad's side are Buddhist. My maternal grandparents are Southern Baptist. We never went to church growing up, but did celebrate the holidays. I remember asking my dad why we celebrated Christmas and he replied, "Well, who am I to be against peace on earth and goodwill towards men?"

    The thing that really bothers me is when the super religious start to legislate their beliefs into our government and pass laws in accordance to their religion. I'm very much pro-choice, pro-gay marriage rights (otherwise known as equal rights,) for teaching proper sex education in schools, and against teaching Creationism as if it were a valid theory similar to evolution. It's ludicrous to me that millions of religious mothers would choose not to vaccinate their daughters against the HPV virus because they're afraid it will encourage them to have sex.

    Personally, I think it's extremely presumptuous and ego-driven when people judge others according to whatever book they choose to follow. Especially when the act of judging goes directly against that same book's own teachings! It seems like if they truly believed in a "higher power" they would be able to acknowledge that they couldn't possibly know or understand the WHY's and HOW's of things. (Otherwise, how would it be a "higher" power?) It makes me sad and angry when they use their religion to discriminate and hate others who are different.

    I also hate it when people assume I'm religious. If you want to send me positive energy in the form of a prayer, go ahead. I'm all for good wishes. However, don't use prayer as a tool for condemnation or demeaning me, or expressing your disapproval of my actions or thoughts. And PLEASE don't start preaching to me or trying to convert me!

    I think this is the most I've written about how I feel about the subject since I was an angst-y teen trying to figure it all out in my head. Other than that, I'm a 36 yr. old, happily married woman with no kids who is mainly here to get healthy and make a lifestyle choice. If you've read this and are interested in being friends, send me a message!

  • oferb1
    Seems like a sleepy group here...


    I am an Athiest Israeli in north jersey/NYC area (so Atheist Jew if you will :wink: )

    I guess my biggest pet peeve is the basic vanity ingrained into religious beliefs of "the power of prayer" - as in, if there was a god, why are your priers and petty wishes (please god, I want to loose 5 pounds, please help me pass this exam, bla bla bla) are more important than millions of starving kids in the world, hundreds killed in hurricanes/earthquakes, etc. (just a few sample "true" causes)?

    Anyhow - Hi to all my fellow non-believers, I believe that we are the future - AMEN :laugh: