What's the hardest thing for you to cut back on?

AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
Tell us what your biggest temptation is and we'll brainstorm solutions together!


  • momof3kiddos34
    Baking!! I just finished making pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for the kids. I don't eat the finished product, but I probably eat 2 or 3 muffins worth of batter. I can't help myself. It makes me not want to bake, but I love baking and I love giving my kids treats that are clean eating and home made.

    Just this time I thought to myself, if I chew gum while I bake, I probably wouldn't eat as much... maybe...
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Sweets are my biggest temptation. In particular, chocolate. I need to get my sugar intake in check. It's really hard, though.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I am kind of an all or nothing type person. Most foods I can have in moderation, but there are some that I simply cannot trust myself to be around without eating them- raised donuts are probably number one. Cake donuts I can easily pass on, but a good raised donut, especially chocolate covered or raspberry filled, do not get it anywhere near me. Also up at the top of the list is a homemade brownie. Just can't say no to them. That is why I haven't made them in many months.

    Other food items I must keep out of the house are probably potato chips. I have other kinds in the pantry for my son's lunches, but won't buy any potato chips.

    Rice is difficult to control portions on. I love rice, My fave is simply boiled chicken and cook the rice in the chicken juice. Could eat a whole pan of it.

    Since I have cut out all sugar, breads, and grains, I don't have the cravings like I used to, but those are the foods I still wouldn't trust myself to be around. Not just yet anyway.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I cook church suppers every third wednesday, and I have to provide a dessert to go with the meal. The first week, I baked some Mrs Smith's peach cobblers, because I really don't care for them that much. But then I ended up eating some of the leftover anyway. Last week I bought a premade lemon cake, because again, didn't sound that appetizing. And yet again, ended up eating some of the left over and really enjoying it. So apparently there isn't a dessert that I WONT eat, given the chance!

    Altho the hard cheap chocolate chip cookies that I bought for the kids are sitting untouched in my pantry. They definitely are not worth the calories!
  • Dianemustang
    Carbs - followed closely by chocolate - pasta and breads.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Where do I start? Peanut Butter, Milk, Pumpkin Muffins............sighhhhhh.................
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    May not totally be a solution, but for peanut butter have you tried PB2? 2 tablespoons has 45 calories, 1.5 total fat, 94 mg sodium, 1 sugar, 5 protein, & 5 carbs.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    May not totally be a solution, but for peanut butter have you tried PB2? 2 tablespoons has 45 calories, 1.5 total fat, 94 mg sodium, 1 sugar, 5 protein, & 5 carbs.

    What is PB2? Where do you get it????
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    Oh I am soooooo excited!!!!! I cannot thank you enough. I found PB2 online and I found several fitness places here in town that sell it. I hope I have enough time on my lunch tomorrow to pick up some! Thank you so much!
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member

    What is PB2? Where do you get it????
    It's powdered peanut butter, just mix with water. Comes in regular or chocolate. Made with peanuts, sugar, & salt. That's it, the chocolate has cocoa powder added.
    I will admit my very first taste off the spoon I wasn't sure. Second time around on apples or toast and I was fine.
    I searched it online initially and then the site has a store locator to see if someone sells near you. We have about 4 stores in Tulsa area that sell it and one is near where I get my hair cut, so I make sure I stock up when I'm near there. Company name is Bell Plantation go to bellplantation.com they have recipes etc.
  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    Potato chips any kind, no control!
    Cheese I also have to be careful of
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    Potato chips, cheese, booze.

    I had to give up pb when my girl turned up with a severe allergy. Recently now, she is older, and I get those jif natural singles, and keep them in the back of the cabinet somewhere, eat them when she is not around. I like the singles, =portion control, I find only half the tiny container is enough for a small sandwich to curb the pb craving.
  • wildmustng87
    This time of year... Pumpkin milkshakes/blizzards. Not that I eat them often anyways, but I'm pretty tempted a couple times a week to go get a blizzard from DQ, or even worse a pumpkin milkshake from the Burgerville that is within walking distance. I will have a pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ at some point before they are gone, but not 3 or 4 of them! The rest of the year, this isn't a problem lol.

    Tried making a pumpkin smoothie this morning for breakfast, it was pretty good, but I don't think ANYTHING can substitute for that blizzard... Mmmmmmmmmmm
  • judykmmg
    judykmmg Posts: 56 Member
    Anything sweet! I'm a sugarholic. I took all sweets out of my house when I changed my eating habits to lose this weight and start a healthy lifestyle. I still buy sweets for my husband, but I have not baked since quitting sugar. I did try some sugar free recipes (sweetened with fruit and fruit juices). Nasty! But I keep trying. LOL Fruits are my new sugar. Thanksgiving is coming up and I know i will have to bake. We'll see how I do.
  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Me too, Judy! I naturally have the appetites of a sugar-addicted 12-year-old. Economy-sized giant bags of candy have been my downfall. Here's my strategy, which is working well so far (I'm almost 8 weeks in):

    1. No cheap, regular candy (the kind that comes in giant bags) until 2013. This ban is only temporary. Banning it for life is way too unrealistic, and if I had done that, I probably would have given in by now.

    2. I allow myself 1-2 sweets per day, but they have to be a) high in fiber (Fiber One granola bars or VitaMuffins), premium/expensive/small in quantity (premium dark 70% chocolate or premium ice cream) or high protein disguised as a sweet (chocolate protein powder). Fiber or protein is digested slowly so it keeps your blood sugar more steady and feels more filling, while the high-end premium stuff is so rich that one serving (or less) feels like enough. Besides, if it's expensive, you are more likely to savor it slowly, rather than eating it mindlessly. This will automatically slow you down. Who can afford to eat $10 worth of sweets a day, every day?

    3. When you're really struggling not to give in, try:
    Brushing your teeth
    Chewing a piece of sugarless gum, especially mint
    A cup of your favorite herbal tea
  • Kitsada
    Kitsada Posts: 105 Member
    Oooo wildmustang, I can relate, I love the pumpkin stuff, particularly the pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks, and pumpkin muffins from Dunkin Donuts. I've actually got in the habit of avoiding Starbucks, as I have no control... I don't really enjoy coffee, only the sugary concoctions like the caramel frappe or eggnog or pumpkin lattes, and I know they have an obscene amount of sugar. Yes they make the 'light' ones, and now when I do indulge, I'll occasionally get one of those, but its not as good, only a hint of the forbidden scrumptiousness of the full sugar version. :P At Dunkin Donuts, I'm on the plain oatmeal, or occasionally a grilled cheese on flatbread. I see the pumpkin muffins there though, taunting me.

    Ideas for fall flavors, anyone?
  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    Oh ya other than chips and cheese! Wine is an issue sometimes when I start imjust keep going, so that is my goal to have more control with that! Not easy it's not like there is a substitue for wine!
  • cindykrauss
    Anything salty, fresh bread, cheese and wine. For some reason I only crave sweets when I'm sick but the carbs and salty snacks are a different story.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    This time of year... Pumpkin milkshakes/blizzards. Not that I eat them often anyways, but I'm pretty tempted a couple times a week to go get a blizzard from DQ, or even worse a pumpkin milkshake from the Burgerville that is within walking distance. I will have a pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ at some point before they are gone, but not 3 or 4 of them! The rest of the year, this isn't a problem lol.

    Tried making a pumpkin smoothie this morning for breakfast, it was pretty good, but I don't think ANYTHING can substitute for that blizzard... Mmmmmmmmmmm

    I could not agree more! I love pumpkin. Pumpkin anything. If I hear one more time how good the pumpkin shake at McDonalds is I think I will smack someone LOL. I usually add a little pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice to my coffee and it helps some.
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member

    What is PB2? Where do you get it????
    It's powdered peanut butter, just mix with water. Comes in regular or chocolate. Made with peanuts, sugar, & salt. That's it, the chocolate has cocoa powder added.
    I will admit my very first taste off the spoon I wasn't sure. Second time around on apples or toast and I was fine.
    I searched it online initially and then the site has a store locator to see if someone sells near you. We have about 4 stores in Tulsa area that sell it and one is near where I get my hair cut, so I make sure I stock up when I'm near there. Company name is Bell Plantation go to bellplantation.com they have recipes etc.

    I am so thankful you pointed me in this direction. I was able to find it here in my town at Anytime Fitness. They had both regular and chocolate so I got one of each. I made one serving of the chocolate up and I actually liked it plain. So far no one else in my family cares for it but that just means more for me :) I'm so looking foward to trying it in different ways. Again thank you!