Where is your Jazzercise Today? Thread 2!

thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
I have not been a very good group administrator....I tried to start a thread once but nobody responded!! lol...

Today I am not teaching, but I will go to class in Germantown, MD at 4:30. I love going to other instructors' classes - especially shortly after a new DVD! I get to preview some of the routines! :)



  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    I hit the 5:30 am class today. Seems like the new Taylor Swift song/routine is instructors favorites here. Kansas
  • clairecandoit11
    clairecandoit11 Posts: 62 Member
    You guys are just starting the new Taylor Swift?? We just got rid of it here in Iowa! I think it is HARD! It never got easier for me! Haha.
    We are still doing "Fist Pump Jump Jump" and I enjoy it!
  • jillcwhite
    jillcwhite Posts: 181 Member
    We actually did the fist pump today!
  • thr33martins
    thr33martins Posts: 192 Member
    I have not taught Taylor OR Fist Pump yet....i have 9 new ones in my repertoire, and will be introducing 4 more next week. What do you recommend?