Check ins M-W-F

Hello everyone! Welcome to the group!! Heres my thought....

Mondays - weigh in days! Check in to post your loss or gain - Help give eachother a boost to start our week! LOTS OF ENCOURAGEMENT!!!

Wednesday - Mid week goals, what are yours? Drink more water? Add 5 extra minutes to a workout? Add in more greens before the weekend?? Let us know!

Friday - Its all about you day! Being a stay at home parent and or homeschooler we are always about other people or things - Today is a day about you! Do you have a victory, brag, rant, upcoming goal, Get a night out??? Share away!

Starting next week I will have a thread for each day!


  • sunlioness74
    sunlioness74 Posts: 12 Member
    That sounds great! I'm used to weigh ins on wednesday, but no reason I couldn't change them to Mondays. Might keep me more honest on the weekends :)
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds great!
  • Hi everyone - I'm posting my Monday AM check-in. I weighed in this AM for the first time since I started last Tuesday. I have lost 2 pounds!!! My goal this week is to meet that or better that loss, I guess we will see. I'm finally feeling less hungry. We are getting ready for the high winds of Hurricane Sandy and the cold and wet weather that is coming with it. My exercise today has been moving wood closer to my house in case of a power outage and putting away all the stuff outside that could blow away. I don't think it counts on the exercise chart, but it seems like I have worked up quite a sweat getting it all finished. Hope all is well with everyone out there on the east coast. good luck to all this week as we face all that trick or treat candy and goodies that are coming home soon.
  • sunlioness74
    sunlioness74 Posts: 12 Member
    My morning check-in...

    I lost 3 lbs this week. Seems like the first week of weight loss is always easy for me. (As evidenced by the number of times I have gained and lost these same 3 pounds!!) It's weeks 3+ that things get harder. Woke up later than I wanted and haven't gotten to the gym yet this morning. Going to do that later this afternoon after all the school work is done before dinner prep begins. Not the best way to start the week, but not going to let that ruin things.

    Everyone on the east coast stay safe!
  • 1plumpmom
    1plumpmom Posts: 15 Member
    Hello all! I've lost 4lbs recently! I am doing a personal 5lb loss challenge by Fri and my sw for that was 170, so 3 lbs to go. I am also doing a 10 lb loss challenge by Nov. 30. Just trying to stay motivated.

    sw - 172
    cw - 168
    gw - 138
  • Wednesday check in. Tuesday was tough, sports banquets and trick or treat candy, too may treats, so much for will power. Back to it today!
  • Is this board still active?