If you were pregnant again

toez79 Posts: 63 Member
Hi, If you were to get pregnant again and not be finished with your weight loss goals, what would you set your food diary to? Maintain current weight?
My baby is 8 months old and I have 80 lbs to lose to be at ideal weight. I lost 27 from my highest pregnancy weight. If I were to be pregnant again in the next few months, I wouldn't want to gain a lot, and certainly not the 50 lbs I gained with my first baby. The first time around I really overdid it on eating and not exercising and I wouldn't want to do that this time. So I plan to use MFP to keep in check.
Any advice/experience?


  • apparatus195316
    apparatus195316 Posts: 79 Member
    I would definitely talk with your OBGYN! If you're significantly overweight, most of the time they will advise that you gain very little. I've also heard that in some cases moderate weight loss can actually be a good thing, provided that you're getting all of your nutrients, etc. congrats on your 8 month-old! My little one is the same age (and I gained 50lbs with both of my pregnancies, yowza!)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I gained 50+ the first time and swore I would do better the next time. Crippling nausea that only stopped by eating, 3 months of no activity allowed and a move across the country led me to gain at the same rate. Baby was early so I didn't gain as much but stress from the NICU did not help my post partum weight loss. I eventually am back to where I started but it took way longer than the first time and took more effort.

    with 2 kids I find it harder for both food and exercise. When they have their snacks, I find it very hard not to have some and most of the time I do. Think of what made it hard the first pregnancy and why it would be better next time. Not trying to be depressing but realistic.

    The best advice I got was you can do anything, you just have to figure out how to make it a priority in your life. it isn't easy for most people and wont happen unless it is a priority.

    if you got pregnant I would talk to your OB. I do know women 250+ who lost weight through their pregnancy. I would set my goals to maintenance but not worry as long as I'm not regularly going 300+ over maintenance levels.
  • Gaiasmum
    Gaiasmum Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there,

    Ive got a 9 month old and am wanting to get pregnant within the first 3 months of next year and I still havnt lost my baby weight from the first round (gosh I have a lot of work to do).

    I think they recommend you dont gain any weight until the last tri
  • Hearndt
    Hearndt Posts: 40 Member
    I gained close to 60lbs with my 7 month old. I wasn't educayed or aware of nutritional values since I'd never had weight problems. Before getting pregnant I'd typically eat one big meal during the day (which I now know was crap) and a few snacks. When I found out the doc told me I needed to eat more often so I ate the same type of crappy foods but three times a day! At the time of delivery I was 199 lbs. I still have about 23 lbs. If I got pregnant again I think it would be easier for me gain only what was necessary. I feel like now I have the tools and knowledge to make smarter decisions. Weight would definately be a big discussion with the doc, I'd ask the OB what they recommended as far as calorie intake and I'd stick to that.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I got pregnant with my 2nd when my 1st was 14 months, and I'd lost pretty much all the baby weight, although my hips were still a bit bigger. I planned to keep on going to the gym, but I had some early bleeding at 5 weeks, then I felt really nauseous and exhausted for ages, so I rarely went to the gym, and then I really craved carbs because it helped stop the nausea. As a result I ended up putting on loads of weight.

    My daughter is 17 months now and I have lost it all and more (around 45lbs), but it has taken lots of hard work! I plan on losing another 15-20lbs, and i'd like to try for another baby around March/April next year.

    Next time I plan on using MFP and exercising and being strict with myself. I think having 2 young kids will help as they're both incredibly active and we go out all the time, and I have a better diet now - I actually eat more, and a balanced diet instead of just salads. The problem with both pregnancies is that i'd denied myself so much before getting pregnant, that when I was and craved things like carbs, the weight went straight on.