Nov p90x anyone?

I got my hands on p90x and am starting right after shred. hoping a few of u would be interested in starting. I know lots are doing ripped but I have the time now so might has well:) if not good luck in your journey its been very motivating!


  • sarahcsmaller
    sarahcsmaller Posts: 68 Member
    Still no takers?
  • I still haven't decided! I think I will try P90X (maybe "Lean") tomorrow if my 3 month baby will let me... The big pro with 30DS and RI30 is the time aspect. But this month I will be away a few week ends and I will miss my work out why I like the idea to get more work out done in the week. What is your plan?
  • Winwin101
    Winwin101 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm planning to go through my collection of Jillian’s workouts and this should keep me busy for months and when I'm done with them all I'll probably do P90x and maybe… Insanity! eeek! Good luck with P90x though!
  • sarahcsmaller
    sarahcsmaller Posts: 68 Member
    That's the only thing I'm worried about. yoga is 90 mins so baby needs a long nap:)