Looking for friends for that final push!

grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
Been using myfitnesspal for a year and half now... lost a lot of weight but i've got about 5lbs to go and then wanna maintain!

I could do with some support. Add me! Patricularly low carbers. Wanna share recipes and products from the UK? That would be faab!


  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    Aww congratulations on your journey. You should feel proud of yourself :)
  • dcurzon
    dcurzon Posts: 653 Member
    good work Grace! and you look real happy in your pic :o)
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    thanks guys! :) x
  • Tazzymk
    Tazzymk Posts: 45 Member
    Well done on your loss so far. Your welcome to add me I've got another 6lbs to reach my goal but I'm not a low carb diet, so up to you.:happy:
  • cayman07
    cayman07 Posts: 77 Member
    Well done I am around 3.5kg from my goal, my first few months have seen good falls, last two/three weeks I am on the plateau, still eating within my targets and exercising, I am not low carb just balanced, well balanced in my eyes :) bet the plateau won't be so easy to do when I reach my target!!

    Good luck on the final push.
  • grace_eliza
    grace_eliza Posts: 23 Member
    Totally hit the plateau.... 3lb from my target! It's that time in my menstrual cycle though where I kind of settle a weight for two weeks. So hopefully, afterwards, I will drop to my target. AND fingers crossed... plateau, forever!

    Congratulations on your amazing loss! :)