Check in Oct 29

jazzminx Posts: 242 Member
It's amazing how quickly everything can fall apart. I stopped caring, stopped exercising, stopped watching what I ate, I even stopped stepping on the scale (which is probably what did it).....I just stopped. Now all the hard work I put in the last year and a half has completely gone. I hate admitting this and I'm super embarrassed but here goes. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am back up to 204. I feel like crying, but I'm not going to. I'm going to enjoy my cup of coffee (which I've always allowed myself because I logged it in) then I'm going to do a workout. I need to get back on track. I let myself get so caught up in everything else and I'm taking charge again. I can allow myself to do a half hour-hour workout and still get plenty of studying in. I can do this.

I'm talking a big game right now, but truthfully I'm super pissed and super depressed at myself for letting it get back to this. I feel like such a loser.....


  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I'm up a lot of weight too... a lot. 17 lbs from my lowest weight.
    We'll brush it off and get back to it.