I'm starting 1st November!



  • wow, what a challenge!

    I'm in, starting right now :))

    Good luck everyone!
    LIVELOVEMATH Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in too - (I actually joined the group yesterday but I don't see my post!) I've been trying for a bit more than a week to avoid all sweets, except for agave in my coffee - broke the record this past Sunday when we had a party for my son and daughter in law, but back to it these last days - thanks for starting this - I love these challenges in particular!
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm in too, no chocolate, going to also try no cakes and biscuits, dried fruit is going to ok though, as I do have a bad sweet tooth....
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    gave all my chocolate away yesterday at Halloween hula! so there is none in the house an now I have no excuses!
  • vickiandrews
    vickiandrews Posts: 254 Member
    Only two hours to go before no more chocolate. Good luck everyone. xxx
  • First day for me! Thankfully there's barely any chocolate in my house, I'm sure that'll change when we go shopping tomorrow. I usually have two slices of toast and one has chocolate spread on it. I might just put jam on the other one instead (: