Final Weigh In

drzira Posts: 29 Member
How'd we all do? Post pics wearing your costume if you got 'em.


  • drzira
    drzira Posts: 29 Member
    Week 1 - 300.0
    Week 9 - 283.6

    I didn't get as low as I had hoped. But, I really can't complain about eating bacon and losing weight.

    I don't have any costume pics, since I was at an out-of-town wedding this weekend. I should be dressing up on Wednesday night, though.
  • kittencatt
    kittencatt Posts: 12 Member
    Starting weight- 165.2
    Ending weight-158.8

    I messed around for the past couple weeks, so I am very happy with this! It's not the 1lb/week I was shooting for, but that's okay. :) I dressed as Tinkerbell and the Morton Salt girl. I'll post a pic or two of Morton Salt girl when my friend puts up the pictures.
  • drzira
    drzira Posts: 29 Member
    I was feeling lazy this year, so I recycled last year's costume idea. Here's pictures of me as a gangster last year and this year.... even taken in the same place. My friend has done some decorating. ;-) (I can't embed it because it's too wide.)