Not eating after dinner (or where is my snack?)

I was reading an interesting concept that explained how to get your body to burn your fat stores while sleeping. Very simply, it explained that before your body turns to burning fat you have to use up your glycogen (sugar) stores in your body. It takes several hours after you last eat before you get to that point.

If you eat later in the evening, you are prolonging the time when your body can start burning your fat for evergy. If you eat late enough, you might not even get there before morning and you fill your stores again with breakfast.

I had read that it was calories in and calories out and it didn't matter when they were consumed. This article said that new research showed that you will lose more if you eat a balanced dinner and then stop eating until morning. I used to eat low carb and this is not a new concept for me. Managing your insulin release with your food choices is part of that lifestyle.

How do you all manage nighttime eating?


  • saffronblue
    saffronblue Posts: 79 Member
    I have a cup of tea...or two or three. (non caffeinated) Admittedly, I usually want a little snack late in the evening. I was going to bed earlier, and getting up earlier for a while, and that helps me too.
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I pretty much eat a healthy dinner, will sometimes split a Skinny Cow ice cream with my husband and then I'm done for the night with the exception of water. If I consider something I ask myself are you hungry or do you just want to eat? Usually I'm truly not hungry so I brush my teeth and floss and keep drinking my water.
  • goodlife1206
    goodlife1206 Posts: 42 Member
    My loss this week has been better with allowing about 12 hours from my last food to my breakfast. Admittedly it has only been a week, but I might be on to something.

    I know what you mean about not really being hungry, but wanting "something." It is often a habit when watching tv. Sometimes I have a diet drink or iced tea instead.
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    I have been fighting this night eating problem forever. I finally started just eating either a fruit or a couple of ryvita crackers and tea. I leave a few calories and have Chai tea sometimes which has milk and sugar in it and this satisfies my sweet craving for only 50 calories. I am always struggling with this and hope to find out more ideas.
  • marciat100
    marciat100 Posts: 61 Member
    One of my friends here in MFP (who unfortunately hasn't been logging for some days) said that she has a "No More Food" button. Even if it's imaginary, it's a nice idea. I've been trying to use it.

    I reserve about 10% +/- or the calories for a after dinner snack. It's always a time that my family is together, watching TV, having a coffee. The days I don't leave some calorie for this time, I feel sad.

    So, after the dinner snack, I usually log the food and complete the entry, what to me means: no more food :)
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    If I stiil have the calories I have a slice of gouda chese and six trisquits. If I don"t have the calorie and I'm starving and won't be able to sleep I have a slice of gouda cheese 72 calories and the fat fills me up and stays with me so I can sleep.