Ready or Not...

Takarameri Posts: 152 Member
Here come November!

Are you ready?

I'm most definitely not feeling ready for NaNoWriMo. I only have about a quarter of an outline. Oh well.


  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Took me by surprise---but I am in it--no matter what
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    My writing partner and I were mostly prepared, but there's a lot we're just leaving to chance this year, compared to last year's thought out plot. I'm really quite afraid we won't make it this year because I happen to be so busy (why am I doing NaNo while taking 4 studio classes?! ughhh!) but I'm a worrywart by nature. I'm sure we'll be fine, but I always stress over the worst case scenario. I was stressing about NaNo before it even started, guuuh.

    How's everyone doing in these first few days? Got any wordcounts you're happy with? Or displeased with? XD