Friday 11/02/12 Weigh-In

Opening Thread For everyone to post as Friday rolls around.

Please remember to offer support, encouragement, and suggestions to any or all members, we are here for each other to succeed!

Make the group even better by spreading the word and getting other active members to Join Us! The direct link to the group can be posted in your newsfeed, blogs, or any message board you post on. Here is the group link:

Have A Great Day! :bigsmile:


  • alanacareyb
    I assume this is the right place? Sorry if it's not! :smile:

    Bit longer than a week, but I'm just accounting for all my weightloss from when I started :smile:

    SW [24Oct] 218
    CW [02Nov] 211

    I have plateaued from the 29Oct :grumble:

    GW 168
  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 62 Member
    Morning All,

    SW (14/10/12) - 156.25
    Last week - 156
    CW (02/11/12) - 154
    GW by 30/11/12 - 144

    Lost this week - 2lbs.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • abzbargs
    abzbargs Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm new to the group but not MFP. Lost a good amount of weight last year but have put on more than half and fluctuated ever since. I've been dealing with quite a bit of stress and been emotionally eating and drinking.I need to put a stop to it NOW! No more excuses.

    I run 4 - 5 times a week, usually covering 12-15 miles a week. I actually think this is the only thing that's saved me from putting all of my weight back and then some! i am going to push myself this month and aim for 60 miles! Would have been more but I'm away for the weekend so will miss out on 3 days exercise! My son is out os school for a week and my husband is away so it'll be hard to get out there but I'll try.

    My starting weight is 185.5lbs

    I am going all out this month and plan on a 10lbs weight loss, bringing me down to 175lbs.
  • JohnMessmer
    Highest Weight (HW) : 388 Lbs (20 August 2012)
    Starting Weight (SW) : 382 Lbs (11 September 2012)
    Last Week (LW): 346.6 Lbs
    Current Weight (CW) : 343.4 Lbs
    Change +/- :-3.2 Lbs
    Goal Weight : < 200 Lbs (I Will Know When I Get There )

    Starting BMI 51.8 - Morbid Obesity************************Current BMI 46.51 Morbid Obesity
    Starting RMR 3071****************************************Current RMR 2831
    Starting BMR 3074 *************************************** Current BMR 2833
    Starting TDEE 3688 **************************************Current TDEE 3400
    Starting DCC 4022 ***************************************Current DCC 3643
    Starting LBM 184 Lbs ************************************Current LBM 184 Lbs
    Starting BF 198 Lbs **************************************Current BF 160 Lbs

    All stats obtained from:
    {Body Mass Index (BMI): Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE): Daily Caloric Consumption (DCC): Lean Body Mass (LBM): Body Fat (BF)}

    November Mini Goal Walk 50 Miles in 30 Days or Less Challenge! 5 Miles Walked, 45 Miles to Go!

    Do Something and Enjoy it Tomorrow, Do Nothing and Regret it Tomorrow. Your Future is up to You!
  • TracyMessmer
    SW: 230
    LW: 216.2
    CW: 218

    Gained 1.8 pounds since the 10/26/12 weigh in for a total of 12 pounds lost overall since 9/11/12.

    This is the first week with a gain and I am sad. I have been under my suggested calorie count everyday so I was surprised by the gain. I know I have not had the exercise I should (partially because I hurt my back in a fall) and have not had the water intake that I should. Gonna work harder on that. Have had family from out of town visiting and feel like I am retaining water, so hoping that is it and I can show better results next week.
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Highest Weight - 133
    Starting Weight - 130
    Current Weight - 119.8
    Goal Weight - 118, then reassessment

    Lost .2 despite a heavy study schedule and a few glasses of wine here and there. My test is this Monday, so I plan to pass with flying colors and get back on my workouts.
  • JohnMessmer
    @alanacareyb I wouldn't say a few days is really plateauing, although it sure feels like it sometimes. Just make sure you stay the course and you will get there, and be so happy that you did!

    @awetherell Great Job! Hitting that goal of 10 pounds by the end of the month is going to be a tough one. Good Luck, and remember that as long as you are working in the right direction you will get ‘er done!

    @abzbargs Welcome ! Maybe we could work on that emotionally eating and make it emotional exercising? Lol, well maybe; in the meantime, just remember that in every long journey there are bound to be some detours and the key is to get past them and back on the right path again.

    @Honey, I am sure it is just water retention. Keep those water bottles flowing and you will see that number drop next week. Regardless, I love you.

    @NataBost Great Job! You are so close to your goal, are you thinking you are going to, or currently, tone up or just maintaining once you get it?
  • Bca_Ncol
    Good Morning Pals!!!

    I have been on MFP since Sept 2011 & it wasn't until recently that I started getting motivated & really focusing on my weight loss goal. Since early this week I decided to do a November Challenge & get super serious about this, I updated my "Start Weight" to what I weighed in on last Friday (which was a little bit higher than my original "Start Weight" from Sept 2011)! Therefore, I'm calculating this day as my FIRST OFFICIAL FRIDAY MORNING WEIGH IN!!! It's serious business from now on.

    And I'm happy to report that since my epiphany last week I have lost 1.2 lbs in one week! This is probably one of my biggest losses in one week since being on mfp. And considering that in that week I only managed to do a total of 30(ish) minutes on the elliptical & a few sets of stairs, I'm really proud that I lost any weight at all. Now considering I started my NOVEMBER CHALLENGE yesterday & will be kicking my workouts in high gear this month, I'm really pulling for a solid 2 lbs weight loss next week!

    And in an effort to motivate myself more .. I'm going to actually list my weight (dundundun)! I'm hoping this will give me the extra push to get the weight off (I have not listed it ever before, so go easy on me.)

    SW - 183.2
    CW -182
    Nov 30th GW - 173
    Overall GW - 135

    November Challenge Update:
    Yesterday I managed to get in at LEAST 10 cups of water!!! =]
    Did 2 miles on the elliptical (48 more to go this month)
    Down 1.2 lbs (8.8 more to go this month - at least)

    I hope I'm not coming off too braggy - I just wanted to celebrate my loss! Because in the more than year I have been doing this I have not lost any weight without putting it right back on & I really feel like this is a new start for me!

    Now for everyone else...
    My fellow pal John seemed to have really given you all a great response & I'm in aggreance with most every thing he has said. Just be proud of yourselves - small losses, big losses, even if you gained - because you are here, you are holding yourself accountable and you are making this happen! We are here for each other if you need any encouragement (& I'll even go an extra mile & send you messages or post on your wall if you are the type of person to stray & need a push, I lived in this category of people until recently)! You guys are AWESOME! Keep up the positivity & commitment & you will achieve your goal.
  • Bca_Ncol
    P.S. NataBost I loooove the avengers ticker! =]
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Good morning! I've hit a plateau :( been at the same weight for almost a month now. Boo

    SW: 287.6
    LW: 234.4
    TW: 234.4'

    Happy friday, ya'll!
  • JohnMessmer
    @Bca_Ncol, Great Job! Losing is the name of the game and you are back to being a player. I think that 10 in a month is even tougher than the 50 Mile Goal, Good Luck! Oh, and don't worry, I will be the guy in your ear and nagging you if you start to get a bit slack. :bigsmile:
  • JohnMessmer
    @ilovemybuggy, Hmm, that sucks. Sometimes you have to increase what you typically eat for a few days/week and then the reduction will jump start your losses again. Do you have an open diary to your friends? If so, I would be glad to become one and take a look to see if I can come up with any suggestions. I am certainly no expert, I have read an awful lot on the subject over the past two months and sometimes just having someone take a hard look may reveal something new( the whole can't see the forest because of the woods in front of me).
  • Bca_Ncol
    Something to think about when you've hit a plateau.... sometimes increasing your water intake & changing up your exercise routine will help.

    Here is come Web MD advise for moving past it...

    Hope this helps!
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    Hey, all. New to the group but not new to losing weight. I've just not been very successful at it.

    Weigh in today: 244.25 lbs
    Down 1.75 lbs from last week.

    Hightest weight: 250 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 something

    I'm 5'4" with a 7" wrist (large frame).
  • Bca_Ncol
    Hey, all. New to the group but not new to losing weight. I've just not been very successful at it.

    Weigh in today: 244.25 lbs
    Down 1.75 lbs from last week.

    Hightest weight: 250 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 something

    I'm 5'4" with a 7" wrist (large frame).

    Welcome on board! We are here to help & motivate! Our hope is that joining the group & weighing in every week will help hold ourselves accountable & gives us the push we need to keep going! Why do you think you have been unsuccessful?
  • ericawebb11
    I'm on my phone because my computer is messing up so this will be short and sweet.. My weigh ins are now on Thursday mornings but ill be sure to post them here on Fridays =]

    SW: 308
    Last weigh in (I slacked for awhile): 292.8
    CW: 288.5
  • LoriA6724
    LoriA6724 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Today is my first day with your group. I started MFP last winter, but I didn't start getting serious about it until about 6 weeks ago.

    I recently joined a beginner's group at a fitness center that offers a different class each week. I'm trying to find something I enjoy. I know that I'm going to have to excercise if I want to lose weight and keep it off. I can't just try to watch what I eat. I've been stuck in the same weight range for over 10 years.

    SW: 161.6
    CW: 154.6
    GW: 120

    My goal right now is to get under 153. Everytime I get close, my weight goes up. I don't care if I hit 152.9. I just feel like if I could get past it, I'll finally be on my way.

    Thanks for letting me be a part of your group!
  • flpmomi
    flpmomi Posts: 117 Member
    Down 1.4 lbs this week!!! :bigsmile:

    9/14 - 211.1
    9/21 - 209.4
    9/28 - 208.0
    10/05 - 206.5
    10/12 - 205.0
    10/19 - 203.2
    10/26 - 203.9
    11/02 - 202.5
  • jdr0p_
    jdr0p_ Posts: 64 Member
    New to the group!

    My scale reads different numbers depending its location in my bathroom, or what surface it's on, or even what the last reading was. Today I'm somewhere between 109.2 and 117.8 (though probably closer to the higher number).

    Anyone with good scale recommendations please feel free to advise.
  • JohnMessmer
    @kylenesusan Welcome! Remember that Success is not only losing weight, but more importantly it is sticking to the right path. Stay on the right path and the weight will come off.

    @ericalynn325 Great Job! Keep up the good work, I see you joined in 2009, so you probably have lots of experience you could share with the group of things you have learned over the last 3 years.

    @ldesomer Welcome! Glad you made it :smile: Good time to get serious about it. I found that some interactive games made it really more fun than work for the first few weeks, specifically I play DDR on Sony Playstation and it tracks length of time and calories burned based on weight and activity on the dance pad, but there is also a Wii Fit workout program, I am sure there are others but the idea is that if it is “fun” it won’t seem like it is so hard. I also started walking a bit, just for 20 or 30 minutes the first time or two and then continuing to try to go longer. Yesterday was a life long record of 5 miles (so excited about that), I joined the Groups November Challenge of walking 50 miles in 30 days so I have a ways to go…the point is, exercise burns fat, and the more you do it the better you will feel and the sooner you will achieve your goal.

    @flpmomi Way to Go! Great progress so far. Keep up the great work.

    @jennacorrales Welcome! We keep our scale in the exact location on our bathroom floor, because moving it around is not good for the measuring devices inside. I actually have a scale from fingerhut, of all places, because I had to have a scale that would weigh me at 388 lbs when I started. Most scales seem to only weigh up to 300, and a few to 350, but this one weighs all the way up to 550 pounds. It cost right at $50, but it is fingerhut so you can always opt to pay the $7 a month for the next year, lol. Here is the link if you are interested it even talks to you by reading aloud your weight (and boy is it loud), has set up for two separate people and records up to the last 30 weigh ins. It is accurate and that is important.
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