Feeling down? Read these!


This first site shows you 50 ways you can create a good day for yourself.


#10 Compliment Yourself
Say good things about yourself. Do not be afraid to compliment yourself once in a while. However, be careful not to be conceited because people hate narcissistic individuals.

#12 Exert Some Effort to Smile
Studies show that smiling, even if there is no reason to do it, can lift up your mood. Besides, a smile can make you look even more attractive.

This next link has 100 tips on what to do when you are already in a bad mood!


#something Put on your favourite pair of high heels & walk up & down your bedroom/hallway doing your best Miss J impersonation. Have a friend or neighbour who is willing to humour you offer critique. “Girl, you walk like a busted-down freight-train.”


Here are some of my own tips! :)

#1 Watch a feelgood movie!

#2 Curl up on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea!

#3 Take a hot bath or shower, and light candles!

#4 Take your music player to the bathroom, put on some songs that make you feel happy and shower while you sing your heart out!
The showerhead is a really good microphone!

#5 Go on youtube and watch some standup comedies! May I recommend Kevin Hart? Absolutely hilarious!!!

#6 Take a nap!

#7 Get a piece of paper and write down the things that bugs you and burn it!

#8 Get a piece of paper and write down things you should be happy about. Then go to the mirror and read them out to yourself.

#9 Do a good deed!

#10 Visit funny internet pages. I highly recommend these:

E-mails from an a**hole. This guy is hilarious, he finds adds on craigslist and replies in the most hilarious manner. Definatly worth a checkout!


This site is hilarious. People who have had something happen to them write it on this site. And there are some real good ones to be found. They post their pain to make us laugh! It is great!
I present exhibit a:
Today, my dad watched the news and decided to start preparing for hurricane Sandy by buying $300 worth of long-life and canned food. We live in Australia. FML.
Exhibit b:
Today, I was stuck in the bathroom yelling for someone to get me toilet paper. My grandpa slips a small leaf under the door and says "This is what I used in my day" FML

So, there you go, 10 of my tips, 100 of someone elses, and how to prevent having bad days in the first place! Now people, post your tips to change a bad day, funny sites or videos!
