11/5 to 11/9/12 Bento Pic Challenge



  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    The final bento of the week!

    I had to use a different container because I was lazy and didn't do my dishes last night. IDK why, but I've been super tired this week. Anyway, it's another do over, with Asian Turkey Meatballs, Asian Mango Slaw, Rice and -something new: Grapes! Ha ha. Contain yourself - I know it's shocking. :laugh:


    Edit: I know it something to do with how I am uploading these pics because I had to use a friend's phone to take this one, and it is a larger photo to start with. There must be something over at picasa, but I can't find it. So sorry for the tiny photos!
  • scarlettvetter
    YES! The final day of our challenge.

    Honestly, this bento was the most challenging of them yet! I had a friend over last night, so didn't have time to cook anything. I had to throw this together this morning.

    I separating the microwavable portion of the food from the cold portion with saran wrap. Again, it makes sense to have dividers or stackables. Since I have neither I had to be clever :D

    So, tater tot hotdish with a sprinkle of Cajun seasoning (I put it on everything) and lettuce, and egg, a little feta, and a red sweet pepper.

  • SaharaZaraMorocco
    SaharaZaraMorocco Posts: 136 Member
    HOT DISH!!

    So, what did you think of last week?

    I know I felt like I wasn't really doing the bentos justice. I definitely wanted to do some cut outs of things and make cute decorations, but in the end just didn't have time to do that. And, it felt a little like cheating since a lot of it was the same thing every day. I'm okay with same stuff for lunch since I try to make it yummy and something I'll look forward to. Plus, that's part of cooking for one - lots of leftovers. I generally try to do a "Serves 4" thing. Some weeks are "throw some chicken in the crockpot and work with it everyday" weeks; those are probably better for bento-ing, because then while the basic components are the same, the dishes are slightly different.

    Also, since I made a lot of new dishes last week, I had a ton of dishes! :angry: Yikes. Took me a week to get through them all. Not cute. I definitely should have started cooking earlier in the weekend so I didn't have that problem. I'm just run off my feet during the week and then so exhausted at night after classes and whatnot that I just cannot face washing more than a few dishes at a time. LOL. That's never good.